Are Tax Deductible

The Issues4Life Foundation is a DBA of The Balm In Gilead, a federally recognized non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Our Tax ID is: 33-0246329. Our mailing address is: 34383 Alvarado-Niles Road, Suite 261, Union City, California 94587-4455. If you are making a financial donation to us by mail, please make the check payable to the: "Issues4Life Foundation" and allow five (5) business days for United States Postal Service (USPS) mail delivery. Because the IRS requires that you have a receipt from any tax-exempt organization you donate to, your email and mailing address is required.

Today is: . Our website is protected by Sucuri, Inc. online security solutions, the leader in business website security solutions and StarField Technologies, Inc., a longtime provider of high-assurance digital SSL certificates.

Life On The Road

Walter and Lori in RoadTrek CS Adventurous

We're raising $500,000.00 so Lori and I will live full time in a fully equipped Class "B" Motorhome to reach under-served leaders in the communities of color with the message of LIFE.

Learn More

Mobile Giving

Mobile Giving With Payment Brands

Mobile Giving is the fastest, most personal way to support our work yet and it's easy. Here's How It Works: Send a text message with a dollar amount (e.g., "$10.00") to (3345-467) EFIL-467-015.

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World Premier Online Security

Online Giving is simple, easy and secure.Online Giving provides a convenient way for donors to make financial contributions, and it relieves our staff from managing secure bank account information at the same time. Online Giving administration is simple and easy. Online Giving adds more options for our donors to give and perfectly compliments our ministry’s existing ways to receive financial contributions. Online Giving is easy to use and is accessible from anywhere at any time. It is safe and secure for all donors and integrates the information into our record systems. Recurring Online Giving improves our cash flow creating an overall result of more ministry.

StarField Technologies, Inc. SSL Certificates provide every visitor an SSL-protected page. With a 'HTTPS' prefix in the URL ( vs. non-secure 'HTTP' ), a PADLOCK icon in the browser's status bar and a TRUSTED 'Verified and Secure' site seal, visitors know the site they are visiting is secure.— StarField Technologies, Inc. SSL Certificates protect customers' data when they browse and|or shop online. Yes, — StarField Technologies, Inc. SSL Certificates display the secure padlock icon letting customers know their private details are safe with strong SHA-2 and 2048-bit AES encryption that is virtually uncrackable.

Sucuri's automated scripts and professional security analysts work quickly to understand your environment and locate infections and their impacts. Our research-driven tools keep us on top of emerging threats and security issues so we can clean them faster than the competition.Sucuri, Inc., the leader in business website security solutions, is a leading web security solution that offers complete, cloud-based website protection that monitors, finds, fixes and prevents cyber threats and attacks while accelerating website performance. Sucuri researchers constantly innovate as cyber threats evolve. Sucuri is effective, world class website security platform.

What is VPS Hosting? VPS is short for a Virtual Private Server. VPS hosting is one of the most popular hosting services you can choose for your website. It uses virtualization technology to provide you with dedicated (private) resources on a server with multiple users.What is VPS Hosting? VPS is simply short for a Virtual Private Server. And yes, VPS Hosting is one of the most popular hosting services you can choose for your website. It uses virtualization technology to provide you with dedicated ( i.e., private ) resources on a server with multiple users.

Ministry Brands is the Parent company for Payment Brands our online merchant account services provider. Ministry Brands' mission is to provide outstanding software and services to churches, ministries and Christian faith-based organizations.Yes,  Ministry Brands is the Parent Company for Payment Brands, which is our online merchant account services provider and our advocate in payment processing. Ministry Brands' mission is to create and provide outstanding software and services to Churches, Ministries and Christian Faith-Based organizations.

Millions of individuals become victims of cybercrime every year. Learn how to professionally prevent cybercrime and identity theft today.Yes, F-Secure understands that millions of individuals will become victims of cybercrime every year. Learn how to professionally prevent cybercrime and identity theft today. Their premium cyber security allows you to avoid being scammed by fake websites, protect your identity and privacy, and keep your passwords in a safe but easily accessible place. Then their antivirus keeps your devices and files away from harm, while their VPN makes you invisible on the internet for absolute privacy. So get started with F-Secure TOTAL day.

FreeFind Logo.Since 1998 FreeFind.Com has provided safe, secure, site search engines to over 200,000 websites. The Issues4Life Foundation has added this advanced site search engine to our library. You will get the benefites of high speed, high availability, hosted website search engine technology from the company that pioneered the field. The FreeFind.Com search-engine was designed from the ground-up to deliver high-quality, high-performance search capabilities to your web site.

Your IP address is used to identify you, track you, and map your online life. Step (1) in taking back your personal privacy online is masking it with a trustworthy VPN.Your IP address is used to identify you, track you, and map your online life. Step (1) in taking back your personal privacy online is masking it with a trustworthy VPN, like the Mullvad VPN. But today, even that is not enough. Today, mass surveillance is so widespread and utterly absurd that a VPN is not enough to achieve personal privacy online. For example, today's data collection uses several methods to identify you ( in addition to registering your IP address ) when you visit a website. You can be identified via third-party cookies, browser fingerprints, and other types of technology. This is why we recommend surfing the web via the Mullvad VPN and the Mullvad Browser together. To learn more click here.

When you visit a website, you can be identified and tracked through your IP address, third-party cookies, all kinds of tracking scripts, and through so called browser fingerprints. That's why masking your IP address is not enough to stop the data collection. However, by using a trustworthy VPN in combination with a privacy-focused browser, you can put up a better resistance against the mass surveillance of today. That's why we partnered with the Tor Project to develop Mullvad Browser - a browser designed to minimize tracking and fingerprints.When you visit a website, you can be identified and tracked through your IP address, third-party cookies, all kinds of tracking scripts, and through so called browser fingerprints. That's why masking your IP address is not enough to stop the data collection. However, by using a trustworthy VPN in combination with a privacy-focused browser, you can put up a better resistance against the mass surveillance of today. That's why we recommend the Mullvad Browser. It's a web browser designed to seriously minimize tracking and fingerprints. To learn more click here.

Based upon the information provided by the Issues4Life Foundation regarding its policies, procedures, and technical systems that store, process and|or transmit cardholder data, the Issues4Life Foundation has performed the required procedures to validate total compliance with the PCI DSS, the best practices designed to protect merchants and consumers from data security breaches and fraud. Click Here to see our "CompliAssure Secured Seal" and know that our donors' credit card information is secure.

Get Patriot Mobile And Fight Funding With Funding

Patriot Mobile Is Conservative

Patriot Mobile donates a portion of every dollar earned to support organizations that fights hard for First Amendment Religious Freedom, Freedom of Speech and Second Amendment Rights to Bear Arms, Sanctity of Life and the needs of our Veterans and First Responders.

Patriot Mobile 2nd Amendment

Patriot Mobile Is Pro-Life

Life On The Road

Taking It To The Streets

RoadTrek CS Adventurous

Our Life On The Road Project has a goal of raising $750,000.00 to purchase a fully equipped Type B Motorhome (sometimes called a van conversion), where Lori and I will live full time in order to reach leaders in the communities of color with the message of LIFE. The Type B or Class B Motorhome is created from a standard passenger or work van or mini van and is perfect for reaching inner city venues. Built on an extended chassis, a Type B or Class B Motorhome will fit right into a standard garage and provide the ease of driving and parking required for the inner city, while at the same time providing all the comforts and conveniences we will need after a long day of life on the road.

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