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Walter B. Hoye II

"Every great institution is the lengthened shadow of a single man. His character determines the character of the organization."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Self-Reliance", 1841

Walter B. Hoye IIWalter B. Hoye II is both Founder and President of the Issues4Life Foundation, the California Civil Rights Foundation, Founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California, an Executive Member of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, a Board Member of The Morning Center, which was founded to provide free full-service maternity care for women in urban and under-served areas, a published author of the book Leadership from the IN|SIDE Out and serves as a leadership consultant. In 1984, God used the premature birth (six months, 2.1 pounds) of his son to teach him that the fetus is a person, a living, breathing human being. As a young man Walter played football (here are the stats in pdf) at Michigan State University where he graduated with a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Sociology in 1980. Walter got started in technology by working at the Allstate Insurance Company in the Operations Department, supervising the Input Operations Unit in 1980. On Tuesday, January 12th, 1982 Walter was licensed to preach the gospel by the Calvary Baptist Church in San Diego, California, which at the time was under the leadership of Pastor Dr. S.M. Lockridge. Encouraged by his "Father in the Gospel", Dr. S.M. Lockridge, Walter graduated from the United States International University, now Alliant International University, with a Master's degree in Business Administration in 1983. Dr. S.M. LockridgeOn Sunday, April 23rd, 1989 Walter was ordained a Baptist preacher by the late Pastor Dr. S.M. Lockridge, then Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church. From 1984 to 1987 Walter served as Minister of Christian Education at the St. John Missionary Baptist Church in Oceanside, California under the leadership of the late T. W. Davis. Here's a copy of a sermon Walter preached in 1987 entitled: "A Good Church". From 1987 to 1991 Walter served as Assistant to the Pastor and Director of the Youth Department at the Greater Faith Baptist Church in Stockton, California under the leadership of Joseph L. Slade. From 1991 to 2010, Walter served as the Executive Elder of the Progressive Missionary Baptist Church of Berkeley under the leadership of Dr. Earl C. Stuckey, Sr. in Berkeley, California. In May of 2010, Walter resigned to work full-time in the Pro-Life movement. Walter competes in the San Francisco Marathon and catches an NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB game whenever he can.Top

Black And Pro-Life In America


Today, Walter is in demand for radio interviews and virtual conferences.

Here is a list of the virtual meetings Walter had to prepare for in January 2025.

  • ::Signed STAND's Petition To End The Anchor Baby Scam Petition
  • ::Signed STAND's Petition To Recognize Personhood From Conception
  • ::Meeting Pray California
  • ::Meeting STAND In Prayer For America
  • ::Conference National Awakeing Coalition
  • ::Webcast 8th Annual Issues4Life Foundation Fundraising Webcast
  • ::Meeting Pastors Huddle Featuring America's Black Robe Regiment
  • ::Meeting Zion Oil Prayer
  • ::Meeting IBSI Pastors And The War Against Israel
To access and share the Rumble Link, click here.

January 2025 was beyond busy. Walter and Lori held their 8th Annual Fundraising Webcast, featuring Alveda King (niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.), Angela Minter (President, Sisters for Life) and Dr. La Verne A. Tolbert (Executive Director, Teaching Like Jesus Ministries, Inc.), their 18th Annual StandUp4Life Rally|Walk in front of Oakland City Hall, in Oakland, California, then Walter closed out the 21st Annual Walk for Life West Coast Rally|Walk at the Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco, California and finally Walter and Lori organized and finalized the National Black Pro-Life Coalition's meeting in Titusville, Florida, that will take place in the first week of February 2025, where nationally recognized Black American Pro-Lifers will gather to discuss the Black American Pro-Life movement's strategy for 2025.


In December 2024, Walter and Lori remembered Khya Polk's Funeral and the first ten (10) amendments to the U.S. Constitution, known collectively as the "Bill of Rights," which became the law of the land on Thursday, December 15th, 1791, then Walter signed a letter to the Honorable Mike Johnson (Speaker of the House of Representatives) on behalf of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition to express our grave concerns about Planned Parenthood's long-standing and ongoing discriminatory actions against Black women and their unborn children.

While we are thanking God for Donald Trump, we must also understand and appreciate that the "Bill of Rights" was designed to protect the basic rights of U.S. citizens, guaranteeing the freedom of speech, press, assembly, and exercise of religion; the right to fair legal procedure and to bear arms; and that powers not delegated to the federal government would be reserved for the states and the people.

As citizens of the United States of America, understanding this is critical to all of us moving forward with our new President. Such was in Walter's heart when he shared his testimony at the Cathedral Deanery Meeting in San Francisco.

Here is a list of the virtual meetings Walter had to prepare for in December 2024.

  • ::Meeting Zion Oil & Gas — Praying For Israel
  • ::Meeting Pray Californianbsp;— Moving Into 2025
  • ::Meeting STAND In Prayer For America! — Still Very Much To Do
  • ::Meeting National Awakening Coalition — The New Administration
  • ::Meeting DLI Leaders Live Series — Ending And Beginning
In light of their Christmas celebration and understanding that such events, past and present, are blessings from their Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Walter and Lori took time to pray for their family and draw closer to one another.

November 2024 was critical.

On Monday, November 4th, 2024, Walter and Lori again voted in person for Donald Trump at the Our Lady Of The Rosary Church. And celebrated his victory by thanking God Almighty. On Monday, November 11th, 2024, Walter and Lori celebrated "Veterans Day". Later, in the same week, Walter and Lori met with the priests at the San Francisco "Mission Deanery Meeting" to discuss the importance of their "StandUp4Life Rally|Walk" in Oakland and the "Walk For Life West Coast" in San Francisco.

Next, the National Men's March To Abolish Abortion And Rally For Personhood flew Walter and Lori and Boston, Massachusetts. The Men's March provides an opportunity for men to gather together and maximize their influence in a solidarity of authentic love for vulnerable women and children. There, both Walter and Lori were keynote speakers. At this particular rally, the supporters of abortion attacked both the march and the rally. Nevertheless, God used the police and the national guard to protect the speakers and the participants of the Men's March, allowing the Men's March event to successful.

Here is a list of the virtual meetings Walter had to prepare for, in November 2024.

  • ::Meeting America's Black Robe Regiment — Addressing Marriage and the Family !!
  • ::Meeting Pray California — Testimonies Of Answered Prayer
  • ::Meeting S.T.A.N.D. In Prayer For America! — Featuring State Presidents
At the end of November 2024, Walter and Lori took a break and celebrated "Thanksgiving" quietly, thanking God for His mighty hand of protection as they served Him in the public square, stalwartly promoting life.

October 2024 did not let up.

Lori and Walter were invited by Leon Michael Lambert ("Mike") to see the remodeling of The Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California ministry. The clinic is in the Cathedral of Christ the Light. Founded in 2008, The Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California is a nonprofit medical clinic located in downtown Oakland, California that provides free, on-site preventative healthcare services and treatment to uninsured and low-income patients — no questions asked. Walter and Lori work with The Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California, helping them reach Black leadership.

Here is a list of the virtual conferences and meetings Walter and Lori had to prepare for, in October 2024.

  • ::Conference The Torch Of Freedom — To Be or Not to Be.
  • ::Meeting Douglass Leadership Institute (DLI) Leaders
  • ::Meeting National Awakening Coalition — Reaching Church Leadership Nation Wide
  • ::Meeting Pray California — Focused On The 2024 Election
  • ::Meeting The Walk For Life West Coast — Getting Ready For 2025
  • ::Meeting Zion Oil & Gas — Praying For Israel
  • ::Meeting The Election Integrity Project — The Implications For November 2024
Walter and Lori then spoke at St. Elias Melkite Church, in Hayward, California, to address the importance of the 2024 Presidential Election and California's Pregnancy Care Center ministries.

As October 2024 was ending, Pro-Life San Francisco invited Walter and Lori to join "Jason Jones" (Pro-life Film Maker of "Bella" and "Crescendo") for their annual fundraiser. This is a big deal. Jason is a film producer, author, activist, popular podcast host, and human rights worker. He is also the president of the "Human Rights Education Organization" (H.E.R.O.) and the director of "The Vulnerable People Project." Jason, Walter and Lori have been working together for many years, promoting personhood and rescuing children overseas.


September 2024 started on off with a BANG !!

Neil Mammen published his book, "How To Stop Racism In America: A Real Solution For The African American Plight" in September. Neil's book takes us through the little-known history to locate precisely the point where the freed Black American slaves started to lose the American Dream and then walks us through how to ensure they regain it and stop racism in America.

On the cover below, Walter is featured marching with Dr. Thomas Sowell, an American economist, social philosopher, and political commentator on his right, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Frederick Douglass, an American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and diplomat, and Booker Taliaferro Washington, an American educator, author, and orator on his left.

Additionally, in September 2024, Walter and Lori were invited to Freedoms Journal Institute's Black Conservative Summit in Tinley Park, Illinois to address the Black Pro-Life movement. Senator Tim Scott was the conference's keynote speaker.

Here is a list of the virtual conferences Walter had to prepare for in September 2024.

  • ::Meeting National Faith Advisory Board — With Donald Trump
  • ::Conference National Awakening Coalition — Understanding America's History
  • ::Meeting Pray California — America Needs Powerful Prayer
At the Holy Cross Cemetary, in Colma, California, the National Day Of Remembrance For Aborted Children invited Walter and Lori to pray. As September 2024 was coming to an end, the Washington Stand published Walter's article entitled: "Abortion Is The #1 Crisis Facing Black America Today." The article is pictured below. "As such, it is also clearer than ever before, that there is no way Black Americans can vote for a Democrat in the coming November 2024 presidential election."

In August 2024, the 1916 Project film was released. The 1916 Project is a documentary that exposes the hidden history of the secular moral revolution, and the architects of our current culture of death. Indeed, Planned Parenthood is the linchpin of our decaving nation. This film was showcased at the Calvary Chapel Church in San Jose, California, and Lori and I were invited to be on hand. Sadly, in the middle of the month, Lori and I attended the funeral of Elga Kendall (106 years old). Sister Kendall and Sister Christiana Downer were part of my sidewalk counseling team in front of an abortion clinic in Oakland, California. Lori and I will never forget these two (2) ladies. The month of August is normally a very busy month as there are so many family events for Lori and I to attend. And yes, we needed a break.

Here is a list of the virtual conferences Walter had to prepare for, in August 2024.

  • ::Meeting S.T.A.N.D. In Prayer For America! — Featuring State Presidents
  • ::Meeting Pray California — Testimonies Of Answered Prayer
  • ::Conference National Awakening Coalition — Featuring Bishop E.W. Jackson Sr.
  • ::Meeting Morning Center ( Pregnancy Care Center ) Board Meeting
July 2024 allowed Walter and Lori to focus on meeting the needs of women.

Eternal Word Television Network's (EWTN) "At Home with Jim and Joy Pinto," invited Walter to share the transcendent and self-evident truths enumerated in the Declaration of Independence: "Created Equal, Inalienable Rights, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" by way of his personal testimony. And why these truths are so very important to him. After all, it was the birth of his firstborn son that taught him the sanctity and supreme importance of HUMAN LIFE itself. Next, Walter and Lori were flown to Atlanta, Georgia to present the number one (#1) crisis facing Black America in the Restoration Project's "Reclaiming Our Voices" two (2) day conference.

The Washington Stand is the Family Research Council's (FRC) media outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by the Family Research Council (FRC), whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and culture from a biblical worldview. In July 2024, Walter texted the Family Research Council's President, Tony Perkins, regarding his commentary about the Republican Party's 2024 party platform. Tony had it published immediately. Next, Star Parker's Black Community News published Walter's commentary. Then Pregnancy Help News, Sharon Rondeau's Post & EMail, the New American Prophet, the New American Prophet and finally, LifeNews.com, which reaches more than 750,000 pro-life advocates each week, published Walter's commentary. To read and share Walter's commentary, click here.

Here is a list of the virtual conferences Walter had to prepare for, in July 2024.

  • ::Meeting United Sovereign Americans — Preparing Civil Rights Litigation
  • ::Meeting Pray California — Testimonies Of Answered Prayer
  • ::Meeting America's Black Robe Regiment — Featuring: Bill Federer !!
  • ::Meeting S.T.A.N.D. In Prayer For America! — Featuring State Presidents
  • ::Conference National Awakening Coalition — Featuring Pastor Iverson Jackson
  • ::Meeting DLI Roundtable — American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
  • ::Meeting "OCCUPY" — Alveda King's National Hour of Prayer
  • ::Meeting Care Net National — Three (3) Key Programs
  • ::Conference Reclaiming Our Voices — Presenting "Irreversibility" In Black America
June 2024 put Lori and I back on the road.

Rochester is home to the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass and New York is a state where the people desperately need that spirit of resistance to rise up, right now, against the culture of death. This special Men's March event was held on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024, in collaboration with the Stand Together for Life ministry. Stand Together for Life is a peaceful, law-abiding Pro-Life ministry that takes place on the 4th Saturday of every month, on the public sidewalk, right in front of the Planned Parenthood of Rochester, New York. This Men's March featured both Walter and Lori Hoye as speakers at the rally, in Rochester, New York's Washington Square Park.

Here is a list of the virtual conferences Walter had to prepare for in June 2024.

  • ::Conference DLI Leaders Live Series With Robert L. Woodson, Sr.
  • ::Meeting United Sovereign Americans — Civil Rights Litigation Sessions
  • ::Meeting Pray California — Reaching Church Leadership
  • ::Conference Brothers For Life — 1st Annual Men's Conference
  • ::Webinar Brothers For Life — Men's Healing Matters Support Fathers
  • ::Meeting America's Black Robe Regiment — Featuring: Kevin McGary !!
  • ::Radio "World Power Gospel Radio" Show — About Abortion And Fathers
  • ::Conference The C. S. Lewis Society Bay Area Book and Film Club
  • ::Remembering Abortion Was Legalized In California In 1967
  • ::Celebrating Father's Day !!
  • ::Meeting Salt & Light Council vs. The World Health Organization (WHO)
  • ::Meeting The Morning Center's (PRC) Board Meeting
  • ::Meeting S.T.A.N.D. In Prayer For America! — Emphasizing Marriage Family
June 2024 was busy. Not only were our virtual conferences intensive and highly concentrated, as we connected to people in real-time from different geographic locations, but so were the results, benefits, and profits to those in attendance.

SPECIAL ENTRY  — In the month of June 2024, GOD re-emphasized and brought back to Walter's memory, His divine calling on Walter and Lori's life. Directly below, you can see GOD at work in Walter and Lori's lives in the year 2009 below.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on Tuesday, January 15th, 1929. It was on this day, Tuesday, January 15th, 2008, that the City Council of Oakland passed the city's infamous and notorious "Bubble Ordinance" by a unanimous roll call vote. It was also on this very day, Thursday, January 15th, 2009, again on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, that Walter was convicted by a pro-abortion jury, under instructions from a pro-abortion judge, to make sure Walter was convicted. Ultimately, Walter was sent to the Santa Rita Jail in Alameda County. In jail, God blessed Walter to teach His Word, counsel the hurting and lead the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. To learn more about Walter's arrest and experiences in jail, click here.

During May 2024 Walter was very busy. In addition to the above, here is a list of the virtual conferences and meetings Walter had to prepare for in May 2024.
Here is a list of the virtual conferences Walter had to prepare for in May 2024.

  • ::Conference "Abortion Is Racist" Campaign
  • ::Conference CompassCare 2024 Walk for Life Online Rally
  • ::Meeting Douglass Leadership Institute (DLI) Leaders
  • ::Meeting United Sovereign Americans — Election Integrity Strategy Sessions
  • ::Meeting Pray California — Reaching Church Leadership
  • ::Conference Pro-Life Messaging Breakthrough
  • ::Meeting S.T.A.N.D. ( Staying True to America's National Destiny )
  • ::Meeting Institute for Black Solidarity With Israel
  • ::Meeting America's Black Robe Regiment
  • ::Meeting DLI's Jeremiah 1:5 Roundtable With Bishop Vincent Matthews
  • ::Conference The Torch Of Freedom — Revealing The Global Cabal
  • ::Conference The C. S. Lewis Society Bay Area Book and Film Club
  • ::Meeting Phyllis Schlafly Eagles — Pro-America Report
May has always been the month when Walter's Pro-Life testimony, along with his experiences in jail, are remembered and his advice to Pro-Life activists today is valued.

April 2024 did not give Walter and Lori a much needed break. Virtual Events have taken over and are growing in number. The world has shifted from in-person meeting, to Virtual Conferences. The truth is, Virtual Events are the new normal. Virtual Conferences and Meetings offer a way to connect with nationwide audiences, without the expense of travel costs that are burdens in today's economy.

Here is a list of the virtual conferences Walter had to prepare for in April 2024.

  • ::Conference The Torch Of Freedom — Revealing The Global Cabal
  • ::Meeting Frederick Douglass Leadership
  • ::Meeting Douglass Leadership Institute (DLI) Leaders
  • ::Conference Grace & Guidance — Reaching "Pro-Choice" Churchgoers For Life
  • ::Meeting National Faith Advisory Board — Faith Leaders Impacting Policy
  • ::Meeting United Sovereign Americans — Election Integrity Strategy Sessions
  • ::Meeting Institute for Black Solidarity With Israel
  • ::Meeting Pray California — Reaching Church Leadership
  • ::Meeting National Pro-Life Leaders
  • ::Campaign "Abortion Is Racist" — A New Campaign Strategy Proposal
  • ::Roundtable DLI's Jeremiah 1:5 Project — Abortion In The Black Community
In each of the Virtual Events above, our goals were to develop learning, strategy, security and training, nationwide networks, that will strengthen the Pro-Life movement's outreach. Finally, April 2024 ended with Lori and Walter helping the Saint Elias Orthodox Christian Church move into their new building.

March 2024 was a very busy month. After meeting with the National Frederick Douglass Foundation, the Morning Center board members where we focused on partnering with the local churches to provide prenatal through postpartum care to moms in need, in the name of Jesus. And further still, remembering the death of Marcus Hotchkiss Crutcher III, former President of "Life Dynamics" and his unparalleled contributions to the Black American Pro-Life movement, in particular, March 2024, kept Walter and Lori very busy. Finally, March 2024 ended with Walter presenting at the San Francisco Chapter of Legatus where he revealed how victory in the Pro-Life movement is based on the movement's commitment to Biblical strategies, above all other strategies.

March 2024 opened up with National Black Pro-Life Coalition (NBPLC) remembering the "Dred Scott v. Sandford" decision. On Friday, March 6th, 1857 the United States Supreme Court decided Black Americans were not citizens of the United States of America. As such, we remembered how blessed Black Americans are today as we enjoy American citizenship and the right to vote. Next, Walter and Lori were flown to Temecula, California to participate in the National Men's March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood. It's clear, very clear that there's a man connected with every abortion. The reality is that men are a big part of the problem. So, it's time for men to become a big part of the solution and for all people of good will to stand up for the full federal protection of the pre-born without exception. At the rally, Walter and his friend Bishop Joseph Strickland were speakers.

February 2024, started off with Walter and Lori sharing at the 40 Days For Life rally in Danville, California. Next, Walter and Lori flew to Florida to meet, confidentially, with the national leaders of the Pro-Life movement. This meeting is intended for and restricted to nationwide Pro-Life leaders and is responsible for the strategies employed by the Pro-Life movement to end abortion countrywide. It is also an opportunity for the National Black Pro-Life Coalition leaders to meet, share and devise stratagems to reach Black America with the biblical model for life. At the end of February 2024, Walter met with those struggling to have the 2020 "Dominion Voting System" ruled constitutionally deficient (i.e., the "Curling vs. Raffensperger" case). Protecting American sovereignty is a high priority for Walter and Lori. On Saturday, January 20, 2024, Walter and Lori met with Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone backstage at the 20th Annual Walk For Life West Coast and supported Pastor Clenard H. Childress, Jr. on stage as he rallied the 50,000+ Pro-Lifers at the rally. At the end of January 2024, Walter and Lori traveled to Washington, D.C. to repent, on stage, on behalf of all Black Americans, for our role in the abortion of our children at the National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance. Walter and Lori ended January 2024 speaking at the 40 Days for Life rally at the St. Isidore Church in Danville, California. January 2024 was very, very busy. Walter and Lori held their 7th Annual Fundraising Webcast and 17th Annual StandUp4Life Rally|Walk in Oakland, California. Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ blessed us in Oakland with gospel singer, Joycelyn Diane Golden, Rochelle Petersen, author of the book Does God Really Care About Politics: God And Government, Kevin McGary, president of Every Black LIfe Matters (ELBM) and Haywood Robinson, M.D., Director of Medical Affairs for 40 Days For Life and the author of the book The Scalpel and the Soul. We want to publicly thank the Oakland Police Department for their very needed presence and leadership. 2023

On Wednesday, December 6th, 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, officially abolishing slavery. Walter and Lori thanked God for this amendment and finalized plans for 2024. On Saturday, December 16th, 2023, Dean Nelson, the President of the Douglass Leadership Institute (DLI), co-founder of the National Frederick Douglass Foundation, Senior Fellow of African American Affairs at the Family Research Council and a very close and personal friend of Walter and Lori, passed away after a brief battle with Cancer at the age of fifty-five (55). For many years, Walter and Lori, together with Dean Nelson, fought for the sanctity of life, righteousness, justice, liberty and virtue. December 2024 ended with Walter meeting with the United Sovereign Americans to discuss the need for valid elections that obey the law. To end December 2023, Walter and Lori accepted the National Faith Advisory Board's (NFAB) invitation to attend an "International Christmas and Hanukkah Season Prayer Call" with Pastors, Rabbis, and former President Donald J. Trump. November of 2023 started off with the National Men’s March To Abolish Abortion And Rally For Personhood in Boston, both the capital and largest city in the state of Massachusetts. Walter then met with the National Frederick Douglass Foundation presidents, the Douglass Leadership Institute (DLI) and the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel (IBSI) teams to discuss Israel and the horrific Hamas attack on Saturday, October 7th, 2023 and our plans for 2024. To end the month of November 2023, Walter and Lori attended the 37th Annual United for Life Dinner in San Francisco, California where Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone honored Walter in his address. October of 2023 was dynamic. It started off with Walter and Lori marching with the men in Washington, D.C. Beginning in front of a Planned Parenthood killing center, from there the men marched to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. At the same time (Saturday, October 7th, 2023) Walter and Lori were fighting for life in Washington, D.C., Hamas, the Iran-Backed terror group controlling Gaza, launched an unprovoked and vicious surprise attack on over twenty (20) communities in Israel. Using rockets, para-gliders, boats, motorcycles, other vehicles, and whatever other means they could, terrorists infiltrated Israel with one goal — to murder and kidnap Israelis. After this horrible attack, Dumisani Washington, Diversity Outreach Coordinator for Christians United For Israel and the Founder and CEO of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel (IBSI) invited Walter to his Israel At War: What This Means For The Black Church And The World meeting. October ended with Walter and Lori being invited to attend the 37th Annual United for Life Dinner in San Francisco. There, Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone spoke and was honored for his commitment to the Pro-Life movement. In the Archbishop's sppech, he highlighted Walter's work in the Pro-Life movement.

September of 2023 was a month where Walter and Lori took some time for themselves and enjoyed the Niles Canyon Railway ride (a living history museum interpreting the importance of their heritage railroads in the development of California and the nation) for the very first time. Nevertheless, the needs of the Pro-Life movement weighed heavily on Walter's calendar. As he was invited to participate in the Students For Life's National Pro-Life Movement Stakeholders' Meeting in Washington, D.C., which worked to ensure all Pro-Life organizations worked collaboratively and strategically together toward abolishing abortion and was asked served as a consultant for the Whole Life Women's Conference. August of 2023 started with Walter as a guest speaker on The Men's March 2023 Virtual Pro-Life Conference where he supported the mission of The Men's March. It was an very high honor to share the stage, once again, with Bishop Joseph Strickland. Next, Walter was a guest on the Churches for Life's Virtual Life Team networking meeting. Now, the Morning Center exists to partner with the local Church to provide prenatal through postpartum care to moms in need, in the name of Jesus. Walter, as a member of the Morning Center's Board, was asked to discussed "Content Collabortion" at Morning Center's board meeting. Finally, the Organization for Justice and Equality (OJE) invited Walter and Lori to attend their annual dinner meeting. The month of August of 2023 ended with Walter being asked to share during the Pray California's "Praise and Prayer" meeting and at the Pro-Life movement's "National to State Collaboration" meeting, where the challenges facing Ohio was discussed. In July of 2023, Walter and Lori met with the National Presidents of the Frederic Douglass Foundation. The Frederick Douglass Foundation is a national education and public policy organization with local chapters across the country. Walter and Lori founded the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California which is fighting closely with the Election Integrity Project. When it comes to election integrity in Cailfornia, much prayer is needed. Next, Walter met with Churches for Life, which exists to nourish churches as gospel-driven champions of life, to strengthen their efforts to faithfully share biblical truth in love about life issues in Black America. Never stopping, Walter was a guest panelist on the World Power Gospel Radio network, where he discussed reachin the Black Church with the Pro-Life message. Finally, in July of 2023, Walter was again invited to be a guest on the Dr. Alan Keyes' "Let's Talk America" show via Independent American Media TV (IAMtv) to talk about the Pro-Life movement in light of current political events.

In June of 2023, Walter and Lori traveled to Albany, New York where Walter spoke at the National Men's March. The rally was held at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception right next to the New York State Executive Mansion is located on Eagle Street in downtown Albany. Since 1875, this house has been home to New York's governors and their families. The truth is the federal government is derelict in its duty to uphold the U.S. Constitution and provide equal protection to pre-born persons. And it is a fact that there is a man connected to every abortion. Men are a big part of the problem. It's time for men to become a big part of the solution and for all people of good will to stand up for the full federal protection of the preborn without exception. To watch the video, click here. In May of 2023 and in light of Walter being arrested on Tuesday, May 13th, 2008 and Black abortionist, Kermit Gosnell being convicted on three (3) counts of the murder charges, 21 felony counts of illegal late-term abortion, and 211 counts of violating the 24-hour informed consent law, on Monday, May 13th, 2013, Dena Espenscheid, Senior Director of Coalitions for the Leadership Institute invited Walter to talk about how Black American churches and pastors need a different approach when it comes to winning Black America to the Pro-Life movement via a nationwide webinar. In April of 2023, Walter and Lori met with their "Underground Railroad" team, where they discussed the ministries future in light of Dr. Martin Luther King's funeral services on Tuesday, April 9th, 1968 in Atlanta, Georgia and President Abraham Lincoln's assassination on Friday, April 14th, 1865 at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. while attending the play "Our American Cousin." In March of 2023, Walter and Lori attended the "Black Conservative Summit" Tinley Park, Illinois, where Walter was a speaker addressing the Pro-Life movement and Black America. After the summit, Walter returned to conducting "Chapel" for the Golden State Warriors where he finished the regular season in April and the playoffs in the month of May. At the end of March 2023, the California Coalition Against Drugs invited Walter to speak against the legalization of psychedelics on a statewide Zoom Press Event against SB58.

In February of 2023, Walter and Lori joined the "Churches Of Life Team" on a Zoom Call where the discussion focused on important information that churches needs to know and available resources for all churches. On "Valentine's Day," Wednesday, Feburary 14th, 2023, Walter and Lori traveled to Glendale, California to attend The Wedding of Daphne and Haywood Robinson !! Daphne is the Executive Director and C.E.O. of the Atlanta Morning Center and Haywood serves as the Medical Affairs and Education Director for the 40 Days For Life team. Together Daphne and Haywood serve together in family, life and pregnancy care ministry and missions. Walter, Lori, Daphne and Haywood have worked together for years. On the 15th of February 2023, Bettina di Fiore, staff writer and researcher for Live Action published her Inteview With Walter which was read by thousands. Finally, on "Ash Wednesday," February 22nd, 2023, Walter started a forty (40) day fast. January 2023 was hot! Below is our 16th Annual StandUp4Life Rally|Walk promotional video. Our speakers included, Dr. Clenard Childress and Pastor Walter Moss, author of "Why I Am A Black Pro-Life Pastor". The RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics joined us at the rally and shared information about the free services available at their Pregnancy Care Center. January 2023 ended with a bang! On the following Monday, the World Prayer Network (WPN), hosted by Dr. Jim Garlow and Rosemary Garlow-Schindler talk to Walter and Lori on the topic of abortion in Black America. January is our busieth month of the year. So January 2023 started off with a bang !! Above is our Theme Flyer for our 6th Annual Issues4Life Foundation's Fundraising Webcast. Our speakers included, Evangelist Alveda King, Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, Evangelist Richard Lane, Richard Lane Ministries, Father Joseph D. Fessio, S.J., Founder and Editor of Ignatius Press, Rochelle Petersen, Founder of "God And Government" and Lonnie Poindexter, Founder of The Lion Chasers Network served as our Moderator. This webcast financially benefited the ministry of the Issues4Life Foundation. Our goal was to reach one-hundred (100) new donors giving twenty ($20.00) a month.


December of 2022 opened up with a bang! The Year End St. Anthony's Catholic Church Youth Conference (picture above) brought Walter and Lori face to face with young men and women fighting hard to be Pro-Life in the public square. Which today, is harder than ever before. The youth, had many, many questions, much of which were based on their own personal struggles to be Pro-Life among their peers. All eyes and ears, were on Walter when he presented the reality of abortion in the Black-American community, followed by the personal challenges of him being jailed for helping women outside of an abortion clinic. Many of the youth, renewed their commitment to the Biblical Pro-Life mandate and St. Anthony's Youth Leaders committed to helping Walter spread the word regarding his work in the Pro-Life movement. After meeting the needs of the youth at St. Anthony's Catholic Church, Walter and Lori worked on finalizing their plans for the Issues4Life Foundation's Fundraising Webcast and StandUp4Life Rally|Walk in Oakland, California.

Walter and a young man at the National Men's March in Baltimore right after speaking in from of the USCCB Fall General Assembly.November of 2022 opened up with a Real Options Ignite Life Event where met with Guest Speaker David Williams. David is a National Speaker and Chapter Coordinator with SaveOne. The RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics, is another Pregnancy Care Center, Walter and and Lori are intimately involved with that provides compassionate, comprehensive, high quality holistic health care, education, and pregnancy loss healing to women, men, students, and families. A week later, Walter and Lori were on a plane flying to Baltimore to march again with the National Men’s March To Abolish Abortion And Rally For Personhood. This time the men met at a local Planned Parenthood abortion killing center and marched all the way to the USCCB Fall General Assembly. Afterwards, Walter and Lori stopped and relaxed to enjoy Thansgiving and the few days left in November of 2022.

October of 2022 was just busy. It all started at the St. Isidore Church Pro-Life meeting in Danville, California, where Walter was asked to share lessons from his experience as a Pro-Lifer. Next, the Family Watch International team flew Walter and Lori to Utah for their "African Family Policy Conference". There Walter presented the Number One (#1) Crisis Facing Black America. From there, Walter and Lori flew from Utah directly to Atlanta for the Morning Center Board Meeting. Walter has served on the Morning Center's Board since it's inception in 2011. The Morning Center provides prenatal care for pregnant moms regardless of citizenship and|or legal status at no charge. From Atlanta, Walter and Lori flew to Boston for the National Men’s March To Abolish Abortion And Rally For Personhood. There Walter and Lori marched with the men from outside of a local Planned Parenthood abortion killing center to the Massachusetts State Capitol where Walter spoke on the reality of Personhood. Totally, exhuasted, Walter and Lori flew home and in less than eleven (11) hours found themselves back at the airport in Oakland flying back to Atlanta for the Atlanta Morning Center's Inaugural Fundraising Gala and Celebration of Life. Walter and Lori ended October of 2022 with a USA Radio Interview and a Jacob Lorion Barr Podcast and a Focus Today TV Skype Interview.

Walter opened September of 2022, with an "Afternoons With Mike" Podcast. The podcast opened up with the ever industrious Dr. Aveda C. King, the niece of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and ended with Walter. Together Walter and Alveda stole the show. September 2022 kept moving foward, next Walter meet with the Presidents of the National Frederick Douglass Foundation, a public policy and educational organization which brings the sanctity of free market and limited government ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing our nation. Still moving forward in September 2022, as a board member, Walter met with the Ruth Institute. The Ruth Institute is a global interfaith coalition equipping Christians to defend the family and build a civilization of love by articulating why children need their own mother and father, and how Christian sexual ideals achieve that goal. As September 2022 came to a close, Walter and Lori, presented at the Content of Character Series project in Hawthorne, California. Walter and Lori speaking at TPUSA's 2022 First Pastor's Summit in San Diego.In August of 2022, Walter and Lori spoke at the Turning Point USA Faith's First Annual Pastors' Summit at the beautiful Loews Coronada Bay Resort in San Diego, California. Later in August, Catholic Community Radio interviewed Walter regarding "Black And Pro-Life In America: The Incarceration and Exoneration of Walter B. Hoye II" Still at it, Stacy Washington, host of the "Stacy On The Right — Righteously American" Podcast invited Walter to discuss the "Fight Against Abortion" after her Pastor heard Walter and Lori speak at the TPUSA Pastor's Summit in San Diego. Finally, the 28th day of August this year marked the 67th anniversary of 14 year old Emmett Till's murder on Sunday, August 28th, 1955 in Money, Mississippi, inspiring the Civil Rights Movement and the 59th anniversary ( Wednesday, August 28, 1963 ) Dr. Martin Luther King's famous speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for jobs. On Tuesday, August 30th, 2022, Mike Gilland, the Host of the "Afternoons With Mike" radio show on the "Shepherd Radio Network" ( Psalm 23 )" interviewed Walter on the topics of The impact of "Abortion in the Black America", "Personhood" and the "Role of Men Meeting the Physical and Spiritual Needs of Women". Walter had a great time with Mike.

In July of 2022, Walter and Lori slowed down, in light of Tonya Reaves' death after receiving her fatal D&E abortion from Planned Parenthood on July 20th, 2012. On a much more positive note, Walter and Lori celebrated the anniversary of Humanae Vitae, the brave and beautiful encyclical of Saint Pope Paul VI promulgated on Thursday, July 25th, 1968. In June of 2022, Walter and Lori were flown to Arizona to support the Pro-Life movement's PRENDA Act. which prohibits discrimination against the unborn on the basis of sex, and for other purposes. Right after that, Walter and Lori flew to the third Men's March in Florida to encourage men to be husbands and fathers. Afterwhich, the Ruth Institute Awards Dinner, featured in Lake Charles, Louisiana, asked Lori to speak on The Impact Of Abortion On Black Women. We're still not done with June of 2022. Next, Walter and Lori flew to Dallas, Texas to present strategy proposals at the National Black Pro-Life Coalition meeting. In May of 2022, Walter keynoted the Houston Coalition For Life 20th Anniversary Benefit Dinner. There Walter talked about the #1 Crisis Facing Black America. Fourteen (14) years ago, on Tuesday, May 13th, 2008, the City of Oakland arrested Walter for standing on a public sidewalk in front of an abortion mill, holding a sign that said "God Loves You And Your Baby. Let Us Help You", passing out literature to a Pregnancy Care Center and having a conversation with the women going into the abortion mill. Nine years ago, on Monday, May 13th, 2013 Kermit Barron Gosnell, an former physician and serial killer, providing abortions at his clinic in West Philadelphia, was convicted on three (3) counts of the murder charges, 21 felony counts of illegal late-term abortion, and 211 counts of violating the 24-hour informed consent law. As you can imagine, May 13th is a very solmen day for Walter and Lori. Walter and Lori's schedule didn't slow down in April 2022. In light of Martin Luther King Jr's assassination, while standing outside his hotel room on the second floor balcony on Thursday, April 4th, 1968 (Dr. King, Jr. was 39 years old) and his funeral on Tuesday, April 9th, 1968, Walter was interviewed on Cradle My Heart Radio. The interview was aimed at pastors and church leaders to help them address the abortion aftermath in the church and show them how they can work together with the Pro-Life movement to prevent abortion. Next, for the first time since the "plandemic" started two (2) years ago, the National Pro-Life Leaders met face to face in Washington, D.C. honoring the biblical values of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. After National Pro-Life Leaders meeting, Walter's Frederick Douglass Foundation of California (FDFCA) team, met with Pastor Brian Hawkins to discuss starting a new FDFCA chapter in Los Angeles. To end the month April 2022, the National Prayer Luncheon for Life, Pro-Life Impact Show interviewed Walter his book and his passion for the the Pro-Life movement.

In light of Andrew Jackson Young's (i.e., the former Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, Congressman from Georgia, and the first African American United States Ambassador to the United Nations) birthday (Saturday, March 12th, 1932), March of 2022 was busy for Walter and Lori. On March 10th, 2022, Dr. Alan Keyes invited Walter to his "Let's Talk America" tevelision show on Independent American Media TV (IAMtv)" to talk about the Pro-Life movement in light of current political events. On Saturday, March 12th, 2022 Walter spoke at the San Francisco Bay Area Catholic Men's Conference, where "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" (Proverbs 27:17) was the theme. At the of March on the 25th, Walter spoke at the "National Prayer Luncheon for Life" in Grapevine, Texas. In light of Andrew Jackson Young's (i.e., the former Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, Congressman from Georgia, and the first African American United States Ambassador to the United Nations) birthday (Saturday, March 12th, 1932), March of 2022 was busy for Walter and Lori. On March 10th, 2022, Dr. Alan Keyes invited Walter to his "Let's Talk America" tevelision show on Independent American Media TV (IAMtv)" to talk about the Pro-Life movement in light of current political events. On Saturday, March 12th, 2022 Walter spoke at the San Francisco Bay Area Catholic Men's Conference, where "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" (Proverbs 27:17) was the theme. At the of March on the 25th, Walter spoke at the "National Prayer Luncheon for Life" in Grapevine, Texas. In light of "Rosa Parks" birthday, Wednesday, February 4th, 1913 and Walter and Lori's 33rd Wedding Anniversary on Saturday, February 4th, 1989, In February of 2022, Walter talked about "One Race, One Blood, One In Christ, on Brighteon.TV's nationwide broadcasting platform on Monday, February 7th, 2022. Following this, Walter and Lori addressed Pastors at the City Blessing Church in Walnut, California. And ended the month, at the "Matthew Bulfin Educational Conference", addressing "Irreversibility", the number one (#1) crisis facing Black America to date. On Thursday, January 1st, 1863 Abraham Lincoln issued the "Emancipation Proclamation", freeing slaves in Confederate-held territory. Remembering this great blessing from our Father God in Heaven, in January of 2022, Walter and Lori, held their 5th Annual Issues4Life Fundrasing Webcast, celebrating Dr. Martin Luther Kings, Jr.'s birthday, held their 15th Annual StandUp4Life Rally|Walk in Oakland, California on Friday, January 21st, 2022, remembering the death of Pastor Bruce Rivers and then joined Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco in the Walk for Life West Coast's 18th Annual Walk for Life in San Francisco, California the next day. January of 2022 was a very busy month promoting the Pro-Life message and the deity our Lord Jesus Christ (1st Timothy 3:16) in the public square.


In December of 2021, Walter and Lori remembered the ratification of the "Bill of Rights" on Thursday, December 15th, 1791 and the Thirteenth (13th) Admendment to the Constitution which officially abolished slavery on Wednesday, December 6th, 1865. Understanding that such events were blessings from their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Walter and Lori, in light of the Christmas celebration, took time to pray for family and draw closer to one another.

In November of 2021, Walter and Lori attended the Second (2nd) National Men's March in Baltimore, Maryland. The men gather outside of the Planned Parenthood Abortion Center and marched to a rally point right outside the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Conference hotel.

In October of 2021, Walter and Lori met with National Pro-Life Leaders (virtually), to discuss the "Federal Judiciary Crisis Network", hear from Texas State Legislators and review the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization now before the United States Supreme Court. The meeting was eye opening. Later in October of 2021, Walter and Lori were invited to pray at the Global Congress of Women And Men Prayer Conference and talk about "Black America Facing Irreversibility".

At the end of September, Walter and Lori were invited to attend the Student's For Life Pro-Life, Research Study Washington, D.C., Conference that focused on the young women in the "Moveable Middle." These findings are being deployed in communities for their own organizational use around the country. While in Washington, D.C., Walter and Lori met with Star Parker, the President of the "Center For Urban Renewal and Education" (C.U.R.E.). In September 2021, Walter and Lori attended Dr. Noreen Johnson's funeral. When Noreen and her husband, Dr. Haywood Robinson.accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, they left the abortion industry and became passionate Pro-Lifers. Their testimony bears witness to the power of Christ to change lives. Above is a video tribute to Dr. Noreen Johnson from our good friend, Shawn Carney, President of the Forty (40) Days For Life ministry. On Sunday, August 28th, 1955 fourteen (14) year old Emett Till was murdered in Money, Mississippi, inspiring the Civil Rights Movement. On Wednesday, August 28th, 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers his famous speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. On Thursday, August 12th, Walter deliberately and purposefully asked Larry Elder "one-on-one", "face-to-face", "straight-up", "man-to-man" completely and altogether entirely "forthright", was he Pro-Life and exactly, what was "his plan" to end abortion in California. Larry Elder answered Walter, the way Walter asked him and without any pause, hesitation or faltering in speech. Larry Elder said he is Pro-Life, that the child in the womb is human and that he not only wants to end abortion in California, but everywhere.

In July 2021 Walter spoke at the Ruth Institute's "Reclaiming the Professions for Life and Family Survivors' Summit". The Summit focused core concepts that stem from a "marriage and family are the bedrock of society" approach, with presentations on population decline. At the Summit Walter received the "Public Witness of the Year Award" in recognition of his lifetime of Pro-Life testimony. Next Walter met with the "Life More Abundantly" Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) and advised the PRC of strategies to reach Black churches. At the end of the month Walter spoke at the Reformed Heritage Church in honor of the sixty-sixth (66th) anniverary of the murder of Emmett Till (August 28, 1955) in Money, Mississippi. National Men's March to defend the least of these, the lives of our pre-born children and call for the end of government sanctioned abortion. The men all dressed professionally by wearing suits and the priests were dressed in clerics. They gathered outside of Washington Surgi-Clinic Abortion Center and then marched in the non-violent protest manner of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. Finnally, the men rallied outside of the White House in Lafayette Park. Back in California the The Ruth Institute's Dr. "J" Show interviewed Walter in light of California's Therapeutic Abortion Act, signed into law on Wednesday, June 14th, 1967, by then Governor Ronald Reagan. Yeah, June 2021 was busy. After the Dr. "J" Show, Walter spoke at the Fight for Life and Faith Rally in San Francisco, California. And finally, the Dr. Jeff Show invited Walter to talk about the book "Black and Pro-Life In America". In June 2021 Walter spoke at the the First (1st) Ever National Men's March to defend the least of these, the lives of our pre-born children and call for the end of government sanctioned abortion. The men all dressed professionally by wearing suits and the priests were dressed in clerics. They gathered outside of Washington Surgi-Clinic Abortion Center and then marched in the non-violent protest manner of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. Finnally, the men rallied outside of the White House in Lafayette Park. Back in California the The Ruth Institute's Dr. "J" Show interviewed Walter in light of California's Therapeutic Abortion Act, signed into law on Wednesday, June 14th, 1967, by then Governor Ronald Reagan. Yeah, June 2021 was busy. After the Dr. "J" Show, Walter spoke at the Fight for Life and Faith Rally in San Francisco, California. And finally, the Dr. Jeff Show invited Walter to talk about the book "Black and Pro-Life In America".

In May 2021 Walter focused on Pregnancy Resource Centers ( PRC ). As a board member of the Morning Center, Walter has been intimately involved since the ministry was launched by Samaritan Ministries International in 2011 out of love for mothers and their newborns. As a board member of the Life More Abundantly Pregnancy Resource Center, a center focused on coming along side men and women, offering practical and real support for whatever pregnancy situation they are facing, Walter has been asked to advise their Founder, President and CEO, Elouise Nathaniel. Dumisani Washington is the Founder of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel ( IBSI ). The IBSI is dedicated to strengthening the relationship between Israel and people of African descent through education and advocacy, condemns the "Zionism is racism" ideology and defends Israel's right to live in peace with its Arab neighbors.

In April 2021, working closely with Dumisani, in support of Israel, Walter began promoting the ministries of Zion Oil and Gas ( Israel Stock ) and the Development Corporation for Israel ( Israel Bonds ). The Vision of Zion Oil and Gas is to find oil and|or natural gas in Israel. This vision, according to Zion's Founder and Chairman, John Brown, is Biblically inspired. The Development Corporation for Israel ranks among Israel's most valued economic and strategic resources, with a record of proven success spanning over seventy (70) years ( Amos 9:14-15, Habakkuk 2:2-3 ). The Cedarville University teaches their students from a distinctly biblical worldview. So the school stands apart, even amongst other Christian institutions, as it boldly submits to biblical authority.

In March 2021, Walter was invited to talk to the students of the Cedarville University regarding the impact of abortion in the Black community via a virtual conference. Live Action News publishes Pro-Life news and commentary from a Pro-Life perspective.

In February 2021, in honor of Black History month, Live Action reporter, Bettina di Fiore, honored Walter Hoye by highlighting his work via the Issues4Life Foundation with this article. This may be the best article ever written about Walter. In January 2021 marked our 14th Annual "StandUp4Life" Rally|March in the city of Oakland, California and our 4th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Webcast featuring Dr. Alveda C. King, the daughter of A.D. King and the niece Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Our theme for the Issues4Life Foundation is this: Without Life, Nothing Matters. You can have a family waiting on you. You can have a job waiting on you. You can have an education waiting on you. You can have a just society waiting on you. But if you can’t get out of the womb, nothing—nothing—matters.


In December of 2020, Walter and Lori were invited to Atlanta, Georgia to fight for the Pro-Life movement in the Georgia Senate race. While in Atlanta Walter and Lori met with Daphne Harris Nicely, LAS, SRAS, the Executive Director and C.E.O. of the Atlanta Morning Center. The Morning Center exists to partner with the local Church to provide prenatal through postpartum care to moms in need, in the name of Jesus.

While in Atlanta Walter and Lori helped address the Morning Center's need for online security as it relates to HIPAA compliance. A HIPAA violation is any failure by an organization that must be HIPAA compliant to protect patients' private health information. Today, both churhces and pregnancy care center are facing challenges securing their online profile. Right before Christmas, Pastor Bob Enyart interviewed Walter on hts national radio show to discuss Pro-Life strategies to end abortion.

Walter and Lori finished December 2020 getting ready for january 2021.
In November of 2020, Daystar Television's founders and hosts Marcus and Joni Lamb interviewed Walter on their LIVE program, "Ministy Now", as well as Joni Table Talk. The Daystar Television Ministry reaches around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are on more than one hundred (109) million homes in the United States of America and two hundred (200) countries globally, with a footprint of 106 billion homes. November 2020 was a busy month. The topic of Abortion has been "controversial" for a long time, the question is, "when will the solution be easier than the alternative?" This was the topic of the "Lexis One Radio Interview" with ReGina A. Bradford-Tardy. November 2020 didn't stop. The Solano Community Church Quarterly Men's Breakfast Meeting asked Walter to minister to the men. The event was outdoors in the church's parking lot. Next Pastor Joseph Parker interviewed Walter on his radio show, "The Hour of Intercession" and talked about the movie "Divided Hearts of America".
In October of 2020, still locked down by the COVID-19 "Plan-Demic", Walter continued to work with the "National Leaders of the Pro-Life Movement" via Virtual Zoom Conferences. How the Pro-Life movement could support the re-election of President Donald J. Trump dominated the discussions. The work never stopped Walter continued to work with the Archdiocese of San Francisco's Office of Human Life and Dignity's "Committee for Racial Reconciliation and Justice" to support the "Faith and Blue" weekend. Additionally, Walter joined Archbishop Cordileone during a "Listening Session " in the community of East Palo Alto on the impact of racism in the East Palo Alto (EPA) community. Walter's calendar just kept filling up as Relevant Radio's Timmerie Geagea, the host of "Trending with Timmerie" had Walter on her show to address "The Importance of Husbands and Fathers in the Home.”

Still running hard, Walter met with the "U.S. Department of Education (ED) Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives" for their "Third (3rd) Annual Faith Leaders Summit." During the summit, faith leaders heard directly from U.S. Secretary DeVos and her Senior Leadership team on the President Trump's Administration's initiatives and accomplishments. Toward's the end of the month, Elouise Nathaniel, President and CEO of the brand new "Life More Abundantly" ministry, in Phoenix, Arizona, asked Walter to join their advisory board meeting and share his perspectives on meeting the needs of women facing abortion. Walter is already a board member of the "Morning Center" and at the end of the month Walter continued to help the pregnancy care meet the needs of moms with both prenatal and postpartum care.

In September of 2020, inspite of being locked down by the COVID-19 "Plan-Demic", Walter and Lori traveled to Sacramento to be a part of the Diocesan "Respect Life Gathering" broadcasted via zoom. This was only the beginning. Next, the trailer for the movie "Divided Hearts of America" starring Super Bowl Champion, Benjamin Watson and featuring Walter came out. You can watch the trailer in Walter's article published in Black Community News. In the movie Benjamin Watson goes on a journey to discover the truth about abortion and as you can see from the trailer, Walter nails it. Next, the "Movie To Movement's" Jason Jones, a film producer, author, activist and Catholic human rights worker, had Walter on his podcast to talk about the "Personhood" theme in the movie.
September was super busy for Lori and I, so here's a short description list time table:

September 17th, 2020: "Divided Hearts of America" is released nationwide.
September 18th, 2020 Ruth Bader Ginsberg passes away on the first day of Rosh Hashanah also called the Feast of Trumpets; which is celebrated over several days.
NOTE: This year, September 18th is also the Day of Judgement and the first day of the Ten (10) Days of Awe celebrated by Jews and many Believers (including myself) all around the world. This is a season of repentance, renewal and revival. The last day of the Ten (10) Days of Awe is Yom Kippurim, also known as the Day of Atonement. According to Jewish Rabbis Yom Kippurim literally means a day just like Purim, the celebration of Esther, who saved her people from genocide in the Persian Empire twenty-five (25) centuries ago.
September 22nd, 2020: Lori and I traveled to Montgomery, Alabama to pray and petition God to stop the genocide of black lives and all unborn children.
I believe the Lord is moving in a very powerful way at this moment in time …

ESTHER 4:13-17

Mordecai declared to Esther,
Do not think to yourself that in the king's palace
you will escape any more than all the other Jews.
For if you keep silent, at this time,
relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place,
but you and your father's house will perish.
And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom
for such a time as this?
Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai,
Go, gather all the Jews to be found in Susa,
and hold a fast on my behalf,
and do not eat or drink for three days, night or day.
I and my young women will also fast as you do.
Then I will go to the king, though it is against the law,
and if I perish, I perish.
Mordecai then went away and did everything as Esther had ordered him.

Yeah, "For Such A Time As This!"

In August of 2020, still locked down by the COVID-19 "Plan-Demic", Walter and Lori hit the road and traveled to the St. Augustine Academy in Ventura, California for Vox Vitae Day. There Walter joined other speakers for an outdoors day of training and activism for teens and adults. The Q&A session addressed tough pro-abortion questions, civic involvement issues, social media, political activism and acism in abortion industry. Later in the month of August, Walter and Lori celebrated Sister Klga Kendall's one-hundred and second (102nd) birthday. Sister Kendall was a part of Walter Pro-Life team standing outside of an abortion clinic in Oakland, California. Today, that abortion clinic is closed and even today, Walter and Sister Kendall celebrate the lives of women they touched for Christ sake. On the 20th of August, Walter and Lori, celebrated Walter's sixty-fourth (64th) birthday after a zoom meeting with "Black Voices for Trump". On the 23rd of August, Walter remembered the 57th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have A Dream Speech" delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. in 1963. Still moved by Dr. King's historic speech, Walter pressed harder towards the end of abortion. In July of 2020, still locked down by the COVID-19 "Plan-Demic", Walter and Lori never quit. The "Carmel Communications" team discussed "Op-Ed" ideas with Walter regarding his book. Next Walter participated in "The 2020 Panel", via "Glenn TV", to discuss "How Black Lives Matter Hijacked Our Schools". This virtual conference is designed to reach and inform faith-based leaders and Pastors. Two (2) days later, Walter met with "Mother Haymon", a ninety-two (92) year old mother and grand-mother, who wanted to share her personal testimony with him for his "Monday Column". "Mother Haymon" blew everyone away. Next week Walter met with the national leaders of the Pro-Life movement, via a conference call, to discuss the November election. The very next week, Walter zoomed with the Berkeley Students for Life and three (3) days later Walter's message on "Irreversibility" was featured on the "2020 Support After Abortion Healing Network". In June of 2020, still locked down by the COVID-19 "Plan-Demic", Walter and Lori pressed on and were invited to speak by the "Ally-J" ("J" as in Jesus Christ) team, in light of the killing of George Floyd at their rally in Novato City, California. There Walter shared how his great grandfather was lynched by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and how once his grandmother accepted Christ, her world got better. Next Walter was invited to be interviewed on the The Dr. "J" Show ("J" as in Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.). Dr. Morse leads the "Ruth Institute". Together and Walter had a great time. The following seeking Walter was asked to join the San Francisco Archdiocese's "Racial Reconciliation and Healing" team and bring his perspective on the racial tension in America today. Again, the very next week, Walter was interviewed by EWTN's Teresa Tomeo's "Catholic Connection" show and the "Bill Martinez Live" show to talk about his book "Black and Pro-Life in America" written by Robert Artigo an investigative journalist and how Black lives matter in the womb. In May of 2020, locked down by the COVID-19 "Plan-Demic", Walter and Lori did not attend the Christian Leadership Alliance "Outcomes Conference" on their calendar. The "Outcomes Conference" is where leaders go to learn and sharpen the skills necessary to run a Christ-Centered business. Nevertheless, May is always a busy month has Walter was arrested on Tuesday, May 13th, 2008 by the Oakland Police Department for standing on a public sidewalk, holding a sign that said "God Loves You, And Your Baby. Let Us Help You", passing out literature to local pregnancy centers and having a conversation within one-hundred (100) feet of an abortion clinic. This new Oakland Ordinance, was just passed by the Oakland City council on Tueday, January 15th, 2008. Yeah, the Oakland City Council passed this new law on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday and on Thursday, January 15th, 2009, Walter would be convicted by a pro-choice jury, an incompetent judge and racial profiling by the Oakland City attorney of violating the new law and sent to jail. Five (5) years later, on Monday, May 13th, 2013 Kermit Gosnell, the American serial kill and criminal abortionist physician, was convicted on three (3) of the murder charges, twenty-one (21) felony counts of illegal late-term abortion, and two hundred and eleven (211) counts of violating the twenty-four (24) hour informed consent law. Even today, Walter continues to get questions regarding the connection between the date of the Oakland City Council passing the law and his conviction in court the very next year and the connection between the date of his arrest and the conviction of Kermit Gosnell.

Additionally in May, as a board member of the Morning Center, Walter continued to strengthen the outreach of pregnancy care center. The Morning Center exists to partner with the local Church to provide prenatal through postpartum care (free of any charge) to moms in need, in the name of Jesus. To finish the month of May, Walter continued his work with the Douglass Leadership Institute (DlI) as they supported and announced Terris Todd, the new Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans. Lori and I addressed April 2020 in light of Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrenders his 28,000 troops to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the American Civil War on April 9th, 1865. And in light of the two (2) funeral services that were held for Martin Luther King, Jr. on Tuesday, April 9th, 1968 in Atlanta, Georgia. As such Walter continued to work with the Morning Center, which exists to partner with the local Church to provide prenatal through postpartum care to moms in need, in the name of Jesus. Walter participated in the White House's "Faith Leaders" Conference call and was interviewed on "Breakfast With Bacon" Radio Show.

"Sheltering In Place" presented a challenge for us to continue to be effective. But God Blessed Us! Like many of you, I have children who are grown, out of the house, on their own, and doing their own thing. As you can imagine, from time to time, I have been running and stopped along the trail to create a short video message to encourage my children to hold on to “God’s Unchanging Hand” (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). As a father, this was just one of the ways I was staying in touch with my children. However, during this Coronavirus Pandemic, I have stepped up the creation of my video messages. As a father, my goal is to share a Bible verse with my children and assure them that my wife, Lori, and s are all right. "Stuck In The Middle Of Nowhere | A Father's Race To Life's Finish Line" is an ongoing set of videos that I am making for my children, as I run this race to life’s finish line. These videoss have been published in Black Community News and have encouraged father's nation wide to take this time of “Sheltering In Place” to draw closer to both God and their children. In March of 2020, Lori and I traveled to Colonel Allensworth State Park. In 1908 a group of Black Americans led by Colonel Allen Allensworth founded a town that would combine pride of ownership, equality of opportunity, and high ideals. There, literally in the town of Allensworth, literally in town's "Mary Dickinson" Memorial Library. creating a video for our "Underground Railroad" that has become our number one (#1) outreach to Black Pastors. However, while we were in the town of Allensworth, the state of California required everyone "Shelter In Place." February 2020 opened up with Lori and I celebrating Frederick Douglass's 202nd (February 14th, 1818) birthday by traveling to Houston, Texas and Glendale, Arizona speaking at the Content of Character Series conferences. We finished the month of February on radio with Bobby Gunther Walsh addressing Black American Life Versus Black American Death In New York City. On Friday, January, 24th at Frank Ogawa Plaza, in front of Oakland City Hall, we held our 13th Annual StandUp4Life Rally|Walk in downtown Oakland, California. We walk because abortion in the Black community is a form of genocide, it is the Darfur of America. We walk because abortion in Black America is the Civil Rights issue of our day. We walk because abortion does violence, both physically and emotionally, to men and women, to their children, and to their families. Walter B. Hoye II in the Defenders Of Life And Justice In Christ Founders Collection.January 2020 is starting off with a bang! Yeah, we've got our own television show!! This is the first television show to address the impact of abortion in Black America. Lori and I are so excited we're now on television!! God's Learning Channel (GLC)'s unique 24-hour programming can be seen via many venues, including the GloryStar|Galaxy 19 Satellite with coverage from Alaska to Guatemala, and from the eastern seaboard to Hawaii. GLC also provides 24-hour streaming media of its broadcast (accessible through the GLC website), as well as many readily available internet platforms, such as Roku. Within the "local broadcast area", which comprises West Texas, much of New Mexico, and parts of Arizona, Colorado, and Oklahoma, GLC can be viewed on most cable systems, DishNet, and DirecTV. Reception via antenna is available within close proximity to any of the five full-power transmitters.

14 Television Episodes
Week 01: Who Are We? (Introduction)
Week 02: Believe God! (Exodus 1:7-8, 15-21)
Week 03: God Loves You! (John 15:12)
Week 04: And Your Baby. (Jeremiah 1:5)
Week 05: Let Us Help You. (Galatians 6:2)
Week 06: Will You Help Me Now? (John 14:13)
Week 07: He Said: "I'm No Longer A Man!" (Micah 6:8; Proverbs 27:17)
Week 08: Father And Son (John 5:19)
Week 09: The Extent To Which: Part 1 of 4 (James 4:17)
Week 10: The Extent To Which: Part 2 of 4 (Luke 9:24; Philippians 1:29)
Week 11: The Extent To Which: Part 3 of 4 (Psalm 139:13; 1st Timothy 6:12)
Week 12: The Extent To Which: Part 4 of 4 (Galatians 6:2; 1st John 3:18)
Week 13: Expect Opposition. (Acts 26:29; Mark 13:13)
Week 14: Underground Railroad! (Galatians 5:1)
GLC's focal point has been to teach Christians their biblical and spiritual connections to the Land of Israel and the Jewish people, presenting Jesus (Yeshua) in the biblical context of a very Jewish Messiah.


Walter B. Hoye II in the Defenders Of Life And Justice In Christ Founders Collection.December 2019 opened up with Lori and I remembering Khya Polk's Funeral. To learn more about Khya and her mother Stephanie Spidell's decision to give Khya life, click here. Next, Lori and I released our eighth (8th) TruthPR Press release addressing the current data, from the abortion industry itself, revealing the impact of abortion in Black America. In our December release "We Charged Abortion In Black America Is Genocide!!". This particular release addressed the United Nations Thursday, December 9th, 1948's "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" in light of the Armenian Genocide (1914-1923) which took the lives of 1.5 million Armenians, the Jewish Holocaust (1941-1945) which took the lives of over six (6) million Jew and the lives of over twenty-two (22) million Black Americans lost to abortion alone today. I was asked to address this nationwide on the Josh Tolley Show. The work never stops. During this month (December 2019), the White House invited Lori and I to participate in their "Faith Leaders" meetings addressing the President Trump’s "Executive Order" (EO) on "Combatting Anti-Semitism" and his administration's priorities regarding our religious liberties. We were honored to do so. As December 2019 was coming to an end, Lori and I celebrated Christmas with the Walk for Life West Coast team and prepared for our busiest month of the year January 2020. Before close the 2019, I want to thank Artist Heather Collins for honoring the members of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition in her "Defenders Of Life And Justice In Christ Founders" collection. The Content of Character Series affirms the value and dignity of black America. Walter is co-founder the Content of Character Series. Walter and Lori serve as speakers.November 2019 kicked off with Walter and Lori presenting at the Calvary Chape in Oxnard, California and at the South Bay Community Church in Fremont, California for the Content of Character Series™. The Content of Character Series (COCS) is an educational summit that offers an array of transformational and educational programs with a Biblical worldview via well-known speakers for events and conferences. At the COCS Walter addresses "Black American History" and Lori presents the truth about "Black Genocide" in America. Every busy, Walter was on serval radio shows in the month of November, "Zeb at the Ranch" with host Zeb Bell, "Life Line" with host Craig Roberts, "The Birds Eye View" with host Bob Bird, the "Ed Martin Movement" with host Ed Martin, and finally on the "Stand Up For The Truth!" radio show with host David Fiorazo. Walter and Lori at God's Learning Channel Television (TV) station in Odessa, Texas working on their first ever television show. October 2019 opened up with Walter speaking at the Respect Life Committee at St. Eugene's in Santa Rosa, California. Two (2) days later Walter spoke at the Catholics@Work 19th consecutive annual speakers serie inside the San Damiano Retreat Center in Danville, California. The very next week, Walter and Lori traveled to God's Learning Channel Television (TV) station in Odessa, Texas to record their very own television (TV) show. Following Odessa, Texas, Walter released their "Planned Parenthood Celebrates 103 Years as the Culture of Death" press release and lit the abortion industry on fire. Later in October, the White House invited Walter to participate in their "White House Faith Leaders" conference call. To end the month, Walter and Lori flew to Gaffney, South Carolina to speak at the Cherokee Pregnancy Center Options Medical annual fundraiser. Nicole Frazier is the Special Assistant to President Trump and serves as the White House’s Director of African-American Outreach. Here Walter and Nicole are sharing a fun moment in the White House. September 2019 began with a trip to Birmingham, Alabama to speak at the National Day of Mourning sponosored by the National Black Pro-Life Coalition. Next Walter and Lori spoke at the “Let There Be Life” California Conference" in Berkeley, California and at the Life Legal Defene Foundation's "Dinner in the Vines" on the same day. The very next week Walter and Lori flew to Independence, Missouri to speak at the Missouri Right to Life. Walter and Lori then supported the Frederick Douglass Foundation and NorthStar Political Action Committee's Trump 2020 "Lets Do It Again" fundraiser featuring Katrina Pierson, Senior Advisor|National Spokesperson for the Donald Trump 2016 presidential campaign. WOW! September ended with a trip to Washington, D.C. to attend the CURE National Policy Summit. August began with the celebration of the Friday, August 2nd, 1776 signing of the United States Declaration of Independence. Walter and Lori at God's Learning Channel Television (TV) station in Odessa, Texas working on their first ever television show. With the Widaman Communication's "Metro Voice" publishing Walter's "Abortion Worse Than Homicides" article, the "Tim Tapp Radio Show" host Tim Tapp interviewed Walter. Right after the radio show, Walter and Lori flew to God's Learning Channel Television (TV) station in Odessa, Texas to God's Learning Channel Television (TV) station in Odessa, Texas to record two (2) Pro-Life episodes on "The Light Of The Southwest" television show. After Texas Walter was interviewed by the Bott Radio station's radio show host Andrew Yates. Days later Walter preached at the Reformed Heritage Church in Los Gatos, California. August ended with Bobby Gunther, host of the Walsh Bobby Gunther Radio Show interviewing Walter about his August "TruthPR" Press Release: "Black Abortions Kills More Black Americans Than Black Homicides 42 to 1". Walter, Lori and Benjamin Watson and his two (2) girls Grace and Naomi.A busy July 2019 ended with Walter and Lori traveling to Thousand Oaks, California (on a train) to present the latest data regarding the crippling impact of "Abortion In Black America" at Godspeak Calvary Chapel. The presentation was a game changer as it dealt with the data from the abortion industry itself (these are the facts the abortion industry is willing to admit to), in light of the four (4) specific reasons: "Why Black Leadership Rejects The Pro-Life Movement". In the middle of July of 2019 our YouTube Channel reached ten thousand (10k) subscribers! During this month we appeared on EWTN's live show "
At Home with Jim & Joy
" in Birmingham, Alabama, conferencee with White Houe Faith leaders, the Ruth Institute, the Obria National Advisory Board and did six (6) radio interviews. Yeah, we're exhausted. In June 0f 2019, Walter and Lori traveled to Washington, D.C. to take part in a brand new Pro-Life documentary with Benjamin Watson, a tight end for the National Football League's New England Patriots. Al Attles ( Saturday, November 7th, 1936 - Wednesday, August 20th, 2024 ) and Walter Hoye at the 2019 regular season, opening night game at the Chase Center Arena before the start of the game on Thursday, October 24th, 2019.Later on Walter and Lori were keynote presenters in San Diego Content of Characters Series. Right after the Content of Characters Series, Walter and Lori took an AMTRAK Train to Solana Beach, California, where Walter preached at the God Speaks Calvary Chapel. The God Speaks Calvary Chapel is pastored by Rob McCoy. There Walter preached fron 1st John 5:5 on the subject of "Irreversibility!". In May 2019, Walter and Lori traveled to the Poconos to help raise money for the Pregnancy Resource Center of the Poconos in East Stroudsburg Philadelphia and strengthen their outreach into the Black community. 2019 San Diego Content of Characters Series where Walter addressed Black American History. Saundra Woods is a volunteer for the Pregnancy Resource Center of the Poconos. After meeting with Walter and Lori, Saundra put her personal testimony on video. Click here to watch Saundra's powerful video. In April 2019 we conferenced with the national leadership for the Douglass Leadership Institute and prepared for their Sacramento Advocacy Day in the State Capitol regarding the amendment of AB1510. You can read out letter to the California's legislators here. Walter, Lori and Harriet Tubman.March 2019 was all about promoting Abby Johnson's movie: "UnPlanned" which opened in theatres across the country this month. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, Abby Johnson was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions and counseled countless women on their reproductive choices. Abby's passion surrounding a woman's right to choose led her to become a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, fighting to enact legislation for the cause she so deeply believed in. Until the day she saw something that changed everything. What Abby saw changed everything. Walter and Lori traveled to Hollywood, California for the movie's red carpet premiere. This movie is a game changer for the Pro-Life movement. To see Walter and Lori's UnPlanned movie interview in Los Angeles, click here. Walter, Lori and Harriet Tubman at the Tubman museum in Macon, Georgia.February 2019 was all about Black History from a Pro-Life perspective. So Walter and Lori focused on their modern-day version of the "Underground Railroad". Since its very, very successful (i.e., God exceeded our expectations!) inauguration in 2017, this modern-day version of the “Underground Railroad" has become the Pro-Life movement's premier strategy to reach Black Pastors nationwide with a biblically based Pro-Life message and give them the necessary tools to advocate for life in their communities. To date, the program has been most successful in educating and training these leaders within the Black-American community as to the uniqueness of abortion issues within the Black community. Arthur Goldberg, Co-Director of the American based Jewish Institute for Global Awareness (JIFGA) and former Co-Director of JONAH, Inc., has graciously stepped in to help fund this project. to learn more and help fund this project. To learn more, click here. Walter Hoye in Titusville, Florida Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex's Man in space.January 2019 marks the fifty-second (52nd) year of legalized abortion on demand in America since 1967. Since 1967, over twenty-one (21) million Black American babies have been killed by abortion. That's over 420,000 Black American babies aborted per year. To put this in perspective, it took the Klu Klux Klan (a white supremacist hate group) eighty-six (86) years to lynch 3,446 Black Americans. With this in mind, Walter flew to Memphis, Tennessee to meet with the Board of the Morning Center. The Morning Center exists to partner with the local Church to provide prenatal through postpartum care to moms Walter, Hobbs and Shaw at the movies.in need, in the name of Jesus Christ. Then Walter and Lori flew to Washington, D.C. to help Black American Pro-Lifers move from "Education to Activation". After Washington, D.C., Walter and Lori flew to Rochester, New York to help the Frederick Douglass Foundation of New York reach deeper into the "Community of Color" with the Pro-Life message. On January 15th, 2019, the Issues4Life Foundation hosted its second (2nd) annual "Martin Luther King, Jr." webcast, its twelfth (12th) annual Walk for Life in Oakland, California and Walter spoke at the fifteenth (15th) annual Walk for LIfe West Coast in San Francisco. Top


December 2018 was filled with radio, television (TV), Skype and "in-studio" interviews regarding my new book "Black and Pro-Life In America", White House conference calls, Californians for Life conference calls, funerals, birthdays, Christmas parties and Abby Johnson's movie premier at the Christ Cathedral Cultural Center in Los Angeles.Walter on the move on route 66. December 1st, 2018 marked the 63rd anniversary of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her bus seat to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott and Walter refusing to slow down fighting for life in the community of color. For Walter December included eight (8), some radio and some television, interviews regarding Walter's new book "Black and Pro-Life In America". In between the interviews, Walter and Lori attended both Senator Elect Shannon Grove's swearing in festivities in Sacramento, California (connecting with Thousand Oaks Pastor-Mayor Rob McCoy) and Abby's Johnson's new movie premier "UnPlanned" at the Christ Cathedral Cultural Center in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Walter joined COGIC Bishop Vincent Mathews, Jr. outside of the Planned Parenthood in St. Louis, MO. Walter later spoke at the 111th COGIC Convocation World Mission Team meeting inside the American Center.In November 2018, the book "Black and Pro-Life In America" came out. The book details Walter and Lori's sacrifice for the lives of women and children facing abortion in Oakland, California. In October 2018, Walter and Lori traveled to the mountains of Crestline, California to support the Mountain Pregnancy Center. There plans were being made to reach a community with a full service medical team offering prenatal care. Dear Walter, Please join the Office of Public Liaison's monthly conservative conference all today, September 24th, 2018 at 11:30 A.M. (EST) to receive an update from a Senior White House Official on the Supreme Court of the United States nomination.In September 2018, Walter was deeply involved in the Pro-Life movement's fight to secure Judge Brett Kavanaugh's United States Supreme Court nomination. Updates directly from Senior White House officials provided information that greatly strengthened Walter's outreach to Black American leadership. September was a busy month. Walter presented at Pro-Life San Francisco's “Let There Be Life” Conference on the campus of the University of California Berkeley. Then Walter and Lori traveled to Santa Cruz, California, where they strengthen the 40 Days for Life campaign and met with a local pastor fighting Human Trafficking. Next, Walter and Lori traveled to Detroit, Michigan and presented at the Guadalupe Partner's Michigan Sidewalk Counseling Summit. In both Ann Arbor and Detroit, Michigan, Walter and Lori met with leaders from inner city Pregnancy Care Centers. The original sidewalk counseling team from the Progressive Missionary Baptist Church of Berkeley, California.In August 2018, Walter traveled to Burnsville, Minnesota train Sidewalk Counselors at the National Sidewalk Counseling Symposium. A week later Walter and Lori celebrated the 100th Birthday of one (1) of the members of his original sidewalk counseling team. Next, Walter and Lori again traveled to Washington, D.C. to attend a private briefing at the White House on Thursday, August 23rd, 2018 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. to discuss the Trump Administration's priorities, including issues related to the faith community with with Senior Advisors to the President. While in Washington, D.C. Walter and Lori participated in the Douglass leadership Institute's Washington Briefing. In July of 2018 Walter addressed Napa Institute Conference in a panel discussion on how the Catholic Church can better reach Black Americans in light of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Walter and Lori received an invitation from the White House to attend a briefing at the White House on Thursday, August 23rd, 2018 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. There we will discuss the Administration's priorities, including issues related to the faith community.Then Walter talked about the number one (#1) crisis facing Black Americans at the 21st Annual Survivors Pro-Life Training Camp for youth in the Pro-Life movement. June of 2018 was very busy. Walter traveled to Macon, Georgia to rally the Pro-Life movement against an abortion facility that quietly obtained permission to open a clinic in Macon. Then Walter and Lori quickly traveled to San Diego, California where he addressed Black American History and Lori addressed the impact of abortion in Black America with California's Republican candidate for Governor John Cox. Next Walter traveled to Fresno, California to speak at the Central Valley's Republican Womens meeting to talk about why thirteen percent (13%) of Black American men voted for President Donald J. Trump. In April and May, Walter focused on augmenting the security of his online presence as Denial-Of-Service (DDOS) attacks were mounting against this website. March 2018 opened with the Larkspur Landing Conference, where Walter and Lori took the time to review the heart of the Issues4Life Foundation mission and prepare for the March for Life New York Radio Show. Walter and Lori received an invitation from the White House to attend the National African American History Month reception with President Trump.On the 13th of February we attended a White House reception in honor of National African American History Month with President Donald J. Trump. This year's theme, Here is the detailed access instructions for the Southeast Gate, located at 15th Street and Alexander Hamilton Place, NW. The gates open at 3:00 p.m. and no guests were permitted after 4:30 p.m."African Americans in Times of War," called our attention to the heroic contributions of African Americans during our Nation's military conflicts, from the Revolutionary War to present-day operations. This invitation honors my Dad who served in the United States Air Force as a solider in the all Black Squadron 3728, Flight 3063 stationed at the Lackland Air Force Base. For those who don't know the history, in June 1949, Lackland began the integration of Black Airmen into regular units with whites. The "Indoctrination Division" began assigning recruits to squadrons and flights by sex and time of arrival only, thus ending racial segregation in the Air Force basic training program. Despite predictions of dire trouble, this change proceeded with relatively few issues. Both my Dad and my Mom are with the Lord now. I still talk with them and feel their love. As you can imagine, for Walter and Lori, the ministry only got busier after being invited to the White House. Next they traveled to San Diego, where their fundraiser was held in the private home of one of their supporters in Rancho Santa Fe. Then they concluded the month of February with Women VIPs (Volunteers In Politics), a group founder in 1973, that understands dedicated, enthusiastic volunteers are the most important asset of any political campaign. Still in February 2018, Lori and I partnered with the "Everlasting Light Ministries" and the "No Longer Bound" Abortion Recovery ministries and launched our #LifeLongRegretIsReal Abortion Recovery Video Series. After thirty-three (33) years of service, the Family Planning Specialists Medical Group is closed. Today, the Family Planning Specialists Medical Group is a former abortion clinic.The videos in this series are meant to be used within a safe counseling context with the intent of aiding an open, honest and intimate discussion on the subject of abortion regret. The goal of the video series is to help reclaim the lives of those that regret their abortion decision. In January of 2018, after thirty-three (33) years of service, the Family Planning Specialists Medical Group is closed. Today, the Family Planning Specialists Medical Group is a former abortion clinic. This is the abortion clinic that conspired with the Oakland City Council to created a law to have Walter arrested, tried, convicted and cruelly incarcerated. The diabolical plot worked. Walter indeed served time in jail. Ultimately, this case went all the way the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. To learn much more, click here. On Saturday, October 28th, 2017, Walter and Lori received the United For Life team's prestigious Human Life Award.Still in January 2018, Walter and Lori launched the Black Pro-Life movement's first (1st) ever Webcast on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. The Webcast featured, Dr. Alveda King (Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.), Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone (Archdiocese of San Francisco), Abby Johnson (President of And Then There Were None), Father Frank Pavone (National Director of Priests For Life), Father Joseph D. Fessio, S.J. (Founder and Editor of Ignatius Press) and Bishop Ronnie D. Allen, Ph.D. (President of the International Faith Base Coalition). The Webcast highlighted and benefited the ministry of the Issues4Life Foundation. Again in January 2018, Walter and Lori hosted the Issues4Life's Foundation's 11th Annual Standup4Life Rally|Walk in front of Oakland City Hall. Top


As 2017 came to an end, the work was rentless, Walter addressed colleged students at the Students for Life of America's Northern California Leadership Workshop in San Jose, California. Later, both Walter and Lori received the United for Life team's prestigious "Human Life" Award for their "dedication to saving the lives of the unborn". In September, Walter addressed the first seven (7) Black Americans to serve in the United States Congress in Kansas City, Missouri. In August, Walter spoke at the inaugural press conference for the National Congress of Racial Equality on the steps of the California's capitol in Sacramento, California. In July, Walter and Lori met privately with the founders of the Walk for Life Northwest and the Bioethics Defense Fund in Idaho. Walter Hoye on the steps of San Francisco's City Hall supporting the parents of of San Francisco's Sunset neighborhood's protest against a proposed marijuana dispensary in their community.June of 2017 was a busy month. At the Suvivor of the Abortion Holocaust's Pro-Life Youth Camp, Walter and Lori addressed Planned Parenthood's Racist Legacy. To download the presentation, click here. After speaking in Fresno on "Abortion's Impact On The Black Family", Walter and Lori joined the Organization for Justice and Equality to protest against proposed marijuana dispensary in San Francisco’s Sunset neighborhood. Still in June, The Salt & Light Council partnered with Walter to create and launch the Content of Character of Series and Walter and Lori traveled to Washington, D.C. and met with National Pro-Life Leaders to report on the new strategy their "Black Pastors and Wives" conference presents to the Pro-Life movement. After which, Walter spoke at the Freedom Journal's Black Conservative Summit and addressed the Black vote and the 2016 Presidential election. Then, while still in Washington, D.C., Walter and Lori joined Star Parker in an impromptu, unedited and unscripted discussion at CURE's new television studio and later spoke for the National Organization for Marriage's Annual March for Marriage where they talked about the biblical relationship between the marriage and the life movements. In May of 2017, Walter and Lori focused on their "Black Pastors and Wives" Conference in Allensworth, California. The theme was: "Without Life, We Have Nothing!". The conference was a huge success, employing a strategy that hasn't been used since the mid 1800's Bishop Ron Allen and Walter Hoye at the Black Pastors and Wives Conference in May of 2017.when Harriet Tubman (an escaped slave and a devout Christian) built the underground railroad and rescued about seventy (70) slaves (family and friends) in approximately thirteen (13) trips to Maryland during a ten (10) year period (1850-1860). To learn more about the conference, click here. In April of 2017, Walter and Alveda King teamed up in Detroit, Michigan to address the Black abortion rate exceeding the birth rate. A week later, Walter and Lori traveled to Bozeman, Montana to talk about "The Healing Power Of Forgiveness". In March Walter and Lori made two (2) "undercover trips" to Allensworth, California to work out last minute details and prepare video for their 2017 Black History Month Project"Black Pastors and Wives" Conference. In February of 2017, Walter and Lori addressed Black History Month from a Pro-Life perspective in a series of quotes from historically conservative thinkers. In January of 2017, Walter and Lori were invited to Washington, D.C. to meet with National Pro-Life Leadership, addressed the needs of their annual "StandUp 4Life Walk" in Oakland, California in the midst of "Inauguration Day" Protesters, hosted their annual "Conversations4Life Benefit Dinner", organized Black Pastors on stage at the Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco, California, met with students from the St. Clare Highschool in Santa Clara, California and spoke at the Walk for Life Northwest in Spokane, Washington. Top


In December of 2016, Walter participated in the Washington, D.C., Cure Clergy Network's "Post Election" update. This conference call addressed the concerns of Black Pastors from around the nation and answered the question: "What's Next?" In November of 2016, the Broward County Right for Life invited Walter and Lori to keynote their annual fundraising breakfast at the Calvary Chapel Fellowship church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. In October of 2016, the St. James Catholic Church flew Walter and Lori to Oaklahoma City to speak at their "Choose Life & Live Mercy Walk and Prayer" event. Next, the Culture of Life Family Services (COLFS) invited Walter and Lori to attend their 7th Annual Gala as one of their "Sue Lopez Memorial" Pro-Life Persons of the Year award winner. In the same month pregnancy centers Real Options and GHS Women's Center invited Walter and Lori to attend their annual fundraisers and the Faith Fellowhip a FourSquare Church in San Leandro, California invited to Walter and Lori to meet with Brad Dacus, 2017 Walk for Life NorthwestPresident of the Pacific Justice Institute and Rochelle Petersen, and executive member of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California to discuss the Pro-Life movement. In September of 2016, Walter launched the "Election Version" of his "In A Minute" video series and published five (5) videos dedicated to exposing Planned Parenthood, the Democratic Party and the impact of abortion in Black America in light of the 2016 Presidential election. These videos reached over 400,000 voters and counting. To see the 2016 Election videos, click here. In August of 2016, Walter met with Pro-lifers from across the country in the Father Frank Pavone's Priests Office on Staten Island, New York to delevope nationwide strategies reaching Black American leadership. In June of 2016, Walter teamed up with American Life Leagues Culture of Life Studies Program's "Who Is The Real Margaret Sanger?" project. This project is a three (3) part educational video series for high school students. Click here to see the video. In April of 2016, Walter teamed up with American Life League’s Culture of Life Studies Program Margaret Sanger ProjectDianne N. Irving, Ph.D., a former career-appointed bench research biochemist|biologist (NIH, NCI, Bethesda, MD), a Professor of the History of Philosophy, and of Medical Ethics and the Pro-Life’s movement leading Bioethicist to launch our "Life Science Project" which brings accurate science and medical advancements that promote life to the Black American community. Click here to view our first "Life Science Project" video. In February of 2016, during Black History Month, Walter and Lori explored the Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park as a potential site for a small but strategic The Jefferson GatheringBlack Pastors Conference focusing on Black History in terms of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Fourteenth (14th) Amendment makes it extremely clear that no State shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, nor deny any person the equal protection of the law. This conference, both historic in its nature and unprecedented in its purpose, will be the first of its kind addressing the protection of human life (from the womb to the tomb) as the “Final Chapter of the Civil Rights Movement.” Click here for a bit more. Yes, there will be much more to come. Top


In 2015 Walter addressed the impact of abortion in Black America at the Future Conference in La Mesa, Calfornia, wrapped up the first year of worship services (literally) in the White House in Washington, D.C. where he preached from the subject: "How To Contend For The Faith!" (Jude 3,22,23), completed a video project with 2016 Republican Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina denouncing Planned Parenthood, hosted 2016 Republican Presidential Candidate Ben Carson in Hayward, California, corresponded with 2016 Republican Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee regarding the impact of abortion on Black American leadership, addressed Medical Apartheid in Vancouver, Washington and received the Culture of Life Family Services' (COLFS) Sue Lopez Memorial Pro-Life Persons of the Year. In December of 2015, Walter worked with Lynne M. Jackson, the Great-great Granddaughter of Dred Scott and President and Founder of The Dred Scott Heritage Foundation, to write the article, "The Essence of Personhood: Yesterday, Today and Forever". Lynne's article went viral and greatly strengthen the Black Pro-Life movement. In October of 2015, Walter and Lori flew to San Diego, California where they attended as honored guests at the Culture of Life Family Services (COLFS) Gala. In August of 2015, Walter and Lori attended the Californians for Life Summer Summit in Irvine, California. There Walter addressed the theme "Commemorating the 48th year of legalized abortion in California, June 14th, 1967". In July of 2015, Walter and Lori flew back to Washington, D.C. to meet again with National Pro-Life Leaders and then fly to Chicago, Illinois where Walter spoke at the National Sidewalk Counseling Symposium. After speaking at the 2015 National Sidewalk Counseling Symposium at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare Hotel and Conference Center in Rosemont, Illinois, I visited Ashley Whitaker Harrell, Ph.D.'s church and met with the young Black women who pledge to remain sexually abstinent until God brought them a husband. Each of the young women had a story of how God touched their lives at a very, very deep level. I believe these stories should be and will be shared everywhere. In June of 2015, Walter and Lori drove to the "Future Conference" in La Mesa, California. There, Walter addressed the impact of abortion in Black America. On the night of Thursday, June 18th, 2015, two (2) years, eleven (11) months and twenty-one (21) days after Walter's father died, Walter's mother, Vida Mae Hoye, died. Walter and Lori cancelled everything and just cried. Both of Walter' parents are living in heave now. To God be the glory. In May of 2015, Walter and Lori flew to Vancouver, Washington, where Walter spoke at Paul A. Bryne, M.D.'s Life Guardian Conference. The conference theme was "The Diabolical System of Imposing Death". Walter and Lori then turned right around and flew to Washington, D.C. to meet with National Pro-Life Leaders. In March of 2015, Walter and Lori flew to Miami, Florida, where Walter spoke at the First annual Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll High School Walk for Life. Later in March of 2015, Walter and Lori traveled to Poway, California. There Walter joined Alveda King as a keynote speaker for the Life Choices' "Changing Lives, Saving Life" event. In February of 2015, Walter and Lori traveled to Fresno, California. There Walter spoke for the Right to Life of Central California's 3rd Annual Educational Dessert Fundraiser. January of 2015 opened with a trip to Washington, D.C. for Walter and Lori. Right after that, Walter and Lori held their eighth (8th) annual StandUp4Life Rally in front of Oakland City Hall in Oakland, California. The next day, Walter and Lori enjoyed the Walk for Life West Coast. The Walk for Life West Coast is Walter and Lori's all time favorite Pro-Life event. Below Walter was greeted, blessed and hugged by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. Later that evening, Walter and Lori joined Alveda King, Kevin McGary, then President of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of Students for Life 2014 West Coast Conference Defender of Life Award Recipients: Walter and Lori Hoye!California as speakers for the Solano Republican Central Committee. There Walter talked about "Lessons we can learn from the 2012 election that will serve us well in 2016." After updating this webpage in 2019, it turned out, Walter was prophetic. The lessons were indeed learned from 2012 and in 2016 Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States of America. Based on exit polls, the Black vote shrank from a solid 95% for Barack Obama in 2008 to 88% for Hillary in 2016. Given a smaller total vote in 2016, that cost Hillary Clinton an estimated 1.3 million votes and added at least 775,000 Black votes for Donald Trump. This may seem like a small shift in Black voting patterns, but it is a significant one. If Hillary had just held onto those votes, she would have been the clear victor. Top


Nikolas Nikas and Dorinda Bordlee are proud to honor Walter B. Hoye II with the 2014 BDF Witness for Life Award! In 2014 Walter and his wife (Lori) were the recipients of both the Students for Life of America's West Coast Conference Defender of Life Award and the Bioethics Defense Fund's Witnesses for Life award. In December of 2014, Walter and Lori flew to San Diego, California, where they would spend their last Christmas with Walter's mother, Vida Mae Hoye. In November of 2014, Walter and Lori flew to Memphis, Tennessee to work with the Morning Center. Walter serves on the board of the Morning Center which exists to partner with the local Church and provides prenatal through postpartum care to moms in need, in the name of Jesus, at no charge. The Morning Center was launched by Samaritan Ministries International in 2011 out of love for mothers and their newborns. In October of 2014, Walter and Lori, once again traveled to the StubHub Center in Los Angeles, California, where Walter joined actor David Henrie, Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez and survivor of the Rwandan Holocaust, Immaculate Ilibagiza to encourage Junior High and High School students to serve Jesus Christ. Yeah, we had a ball. In September of 2014, Walter and Lori drove to Fresno, California to conduct their Cultural Proficiency Training (CPT). This is the only training in the country that provides the knowledge, skills, and attitudes and beliefs that enable people to work well with, respond effectively to, and be supportive of people in cross-cultural settings. It is important to note that as demographic change in communities across the country, the importance of staff training to enhance an organization's ability to deliver culturally appropriate messaging is undeniable. Next, Walter and Lori traveled to Washington, D.C. There Walter spoke at the Black Conservative Summit held at the Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship. In August of 2014, Walter and Lori traveled to Birmingham, Alabama. There they participated in the National Sidewalk Counseling Symposium. In July of 2014, Walter and Lori flew to Ridgecrest, North Carolina, to conduct a workshop entitled: “The Hidden Agenda of Abortion” for LifeWay’s Black Church Leadership and Family Conference. Right after the workshop, Walter and Lori jumped back on a plane to fly to Washington, D.C. again to meet with National Pro-Life Leadership. In June of 2014, Walter and Lori traveled to Roseville, California to participate in the California Pro-Life Leadership Summit. Their, Walter and Lori collaborated with Pro-Life leaders in the state of California in a two (2) day strategy development process. The goal was to work together as part of a strategic plan to end abortion in California. This meeting coincided with the June 14th signing of the "Therapeutic Abortion Act" in 1967, legalizing abortion in California long before Roe v Wade. Later in the same month, Walter and Lori traveled to Silverado, California, where together they would speak to youth attending the Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust Bootcamp. In May of 2014, Walter and Lori traveled to Washington, D.C. to meet with the National Black Pro-life Coalition to request support from the United States Senate and call out the The Jefferson GatheringCongressional Black Caucus for allowing abortion to reach crisis levels in the Black community. While in Washington, D.C., Walter also met with the national leadership of the Pro-Life movement. In March of 2014, Walter flew to Baltimore, Maryland to speak in the National Frederick Douglass Leadership Summit. At the conference, Walter represented the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California. In January of 2014, Walter and Lori met with the national leaders of the Pro-Life movement in Washington, D.C. and then flew back to San Diego, California, where Walter spoke at the Walk for Life San Diego event in Balboa Park. On Friday, January 24th, 2014, Walter and Lori held their seventh (7th) annual "StandUp4Life" rally in front of Oakland City Hall in Oakland, California. Top


In 2013 Walter was recognized by Chicago's Pro-Life Pro-Family Coalition for his Strong Stand for Life and Family. In November of 2013, Walter spoke at the Values Advocacy Council meeting in Campbell, California. At the end of November 2013, alter and Lori attended the funeral of Khya Polk. To learn more about Khya's life and her mother, Stephanie Spidell's decision to give Khya life, watch and listen to this video and then download the Celebrate Life Magazine story. In October of 2013, Walter and Lori were invited again to attend LIFEsocal's Christian Services 4Life event at the Home Depot Center in Caron, California. Once there, Walter teamed up with Maria Cahill, 2011 Miss Delaware. Later in October of 2013, Walter traveled to Fairbanks, Alaska to speak at the Pregnancy Center of the Tanana Valley's Annual Banquet Fundraiser. Back in California, Walter and Lori attended the Catholic Medical Association's meeting in Santa Barbara, California. At the meeting, Walter keynoted on the topic "Barriers to the Pro-Life movement in the Black American community". In August of 2013, Walter and Lori flew to Columbus, Ohio, where Walter keynoted for Greater Columbus' Right to Life. Walter at Lambeau Field, the home stadium of the NFL's Green Bay Packers.In July of 2013, Walter and Lori, traveled to Chicago, Illinois for a Tonya Reaves, Press Conference and Prayer Vigil in front of Planned Parenthood. Later Walter and Lori participated in Pro-Life Action Ministries', National Sidewalk Counseling Symposium in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In June of 2013, Walter and Lori participated in the Survivor of the Abortion Holocaust's Pro-Life Bootcamp for high schoolers and college-age youth. In May of 2013, Walter and Lori, again, traveled to Washington, D.C. This time for a briefing with members of Congress and their staff to hear the facts about abortion in America. At the end of May, Walter and Lori flew back to Washington, D.C. to attend the Family Research Concil's (FRC) Watchmen Conference. In April of 2013, Walter and Lori traveled to Madison, Wisconsin, Walter and Fred Luter working together.where Walter was the featured speaker at the Pro-Life Wisconsin Spring Awards Dinner. Later Walter and Lori flew to Chicago, Illinois to speak at the Pro-Life|Family Coalition's Annual Conference. In March of 2013, Walter and Lori traveled to Fort Worth, Texas to The Richard Land Center where Walter keynoted on abortion's impact on the Black Community and the role that Black churches play in countering. While there, Walter shared the Maafa21 DVD with Pastor Fred Luter, Jr. Pastor Luter would become the Southern Baptist Conference's first Black American President and the recipient of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition's Mildred Fay Jefferson Award Here Walter is speaking at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. in 2012.for standing boldly and courageously in the face of Planned Parenthood. At the end of March, Walter and Lori flew to Washington, D.C. to speak at the National Organization for Marriage's March for Marriage. In February of 2013, Walter and Lori organized a Maafa 21 Screening at the Koret Auditorium in San Francisco, California. In January of 2013, Walter and Lori flew to New York, New York to help the Frederick Douglass Foundation of New York relate the impact of abortion in the Black community to Frederick Douglass' message of personal accountability and responsibility.Top


In 2012 Walter was invited by Congressman Allen West to address the "Economic Impact of Abortion" on the Hill in Washington, D.C. Exhausted, Walter and Lori made one final trip to Washington, D.C. in December of 2012 to meet with the Americans United for Life (AUL) leadership team to discuss the power of personhood as a political strategy in Black America. In November of 2012, Walter and Lori traveled to Los Angeles to speak at the Go2Bat4LIFE event at Dodger Stadium. There Walter and Lori met with Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez, Lila Rose, Eduardo Verástegui, Marion Jones, and Mauricio Kuri. Walter Hoye at LIFESocal's Go2Bat4Life Event with Lila Rose and Archbishop Jose Gomez.Right after Dodger Stadium, Walter and Lori traveled to Gardena, California, where Walter spoke at the International Pro-Life Youth Conference hosted by the Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust. In October of 2012, Walter and Lori traveled to Nashville, Tennessee, where Walter spoke at the Life Ambassadors Leadership Forum in the famous Opryland Hotel. Once they were back in California, Walter and Lori traveled to San Diego were honored guests at the Culture Of Life Family Services 3rd Annual Fall Gala. There they met with Rwandan Genocide Survivor, Immaculée Ilibagiza regarding the Pro-Life movement in Africa. Finally, at the end of the month, Walter and Lori flew to Abington, Philadelphia, where Walter spoke at the 40 Days For Life kickoff event. In September of 2012, Walter and Lori traveled back to Washington, D.C. to meet with the Pro-Life movement's national leadership. Then, back in California, Walter spoke at the Catholic Men's Fellowship in Fremont. In July of 2012, Walter and Lori flew back to Washington, D.C., to meet with the Americans United for Life (AUL) team to discuss an Amici for Personhood Oklahoma's appeal to the United States Supreme Court (USSC). They then met privately with Star Parker. Star is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), a Washington, D.C. based public policy institute that promotes market-based solutions to fight poverty. Next, Walter and Lori met with the Pro-Life movement's national leadership. At the end of this trip, Walter and Lori participated in the American Life League's "Intrinsic Human Rights and Personhood National Conference" where Walter addressed the power of personhood in the Black community. In June 0f 2012, Walter and Lori flew to San Diego, California, where Walter would speak at the Eagle Forum at the Sky Line Church in La Mesa, California. On Thursday, June 28th, 2012, Walter's father, Walter B. Hoye, died. It was Walter's Dad that taught him how to be a man. At the end of June, Walter and Lori travelled to Modesto, California, where they met with Father Illo and discussed the Pro-Life movement. In May of 2012, Walter and Lori drove to Sacramento, California to strengthen the Alternatives Pregnancy Center's outreach into the Black community. In April of 2012, Walter and Lori traveled to Council Bluffs, Iowa. In Iowa, Walter keynoted the Gabriel's Corner CPC's annual celebration of Life Dinner. In March of 2012, Walter and Lori would fly to Des Moines, Iowa, where Walter would speak for the Iowans for L.I.F.E. team and address abortion in Black America. Still in March of 2012, Walter and Lori would fly back to Washington, D.C. to participate in the Fourth (4th) Frederick Douglass Leadership Summit in the headquarters of the Family Research Council. At the end of the month of March Walter would speak at the "Make Straight the Pathway Conference" in San Francisco, California. In February of 2012, Walter and Lori would again fly to Washington, D.C. to participate in National Black Pro-Life Coalition meetings and AAPLOG's Annual Research and Strategy Meeting. At AAPLOG, Walter debated Clarke Forsythe, Esq, Senior Counsel Americans United for Life on the merits of "Personhood Amendments" and won. On January of 2012, Walter and Lori served as "Life Ambassadors" for CareNet Pregnancy Centers in Sacramento, California. Later in the same month, Walter and Lori then This picture was taken by my wife Lori at the 2011 MLK Memorial, right behind the statue at a private ceremony where then President Barack Hussein Obama personally addressed the King family and friends. In this picture the President and I are aggressively staring at one another. The Secret Serive finally stopped President Obama and let him know that the network television cameras were finally on site and set up.traveled to Washington, D.C., where they met with the national leadership of the Pro-Life movement. During the same week Walter would speak at the Conservative Black Forum, an event sponsored by then Congressman Allen West and moderated by Star Parker on "the Hill" in the Capitol Building. By God's grace, Congressman Trent Franks (the U.S. Representative for Arizona's 8th congressional district from 2003 to 2017) introduced Walter to Nelli Gray. Nelly Gray (June 24, 1924 - August 13, 2012), was the Pro-Life activist who founded the annual March for Life in 1974, following the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling which decriminalized abortion the previous year (1973). Walter speaking at the March for Life is pictured above.Top


In 2011 Walter received the "Hero at Heart" Award from the Life Issues Institute to recognize outstanding courage on behalf of innocent life. Walter was also interviewed on Life Issues Institute's Emmy Award winning television program (Season 4: Episode 2: Free Speech Denied), Facing Life Head-On. In November 2011, Walter and Lori flew to Detroit, Michigan to attend "The Call Detroit" at the Ford Field (Home of the Detroit Lions). In October 2011, Dr. Alveda C. King invited Walter and Lori to attend the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Dedication in Washington, D.C. While inside the West Potomac Park at the private dedication for the King family and friends, Walter was sixty (60) steps away from then President Barack Hussein Obama. Wearing his "Got Jesus?" baseball cap, Walter caught the attention of President Obama and the two (2) entered into an aggressive staring contest. Lori took the picture of the two (2) men staring at each other. Our sixty (60) billboard campaign in Oakland, California in action.Later in the month of October 2011, Walter and Lori flew to Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, where Walter shared in Pro-Life testimony at the Olympic Hotel and Resort Conference Center for the Pro-Life Wisconsin team. In September of 2011 Walter and Lori launched their third (3rd) billboard campaign in Sacramento, California. This billboard campaign lasted twenty-eight (28) days, featured twelve (12) large billboards and introduced the phrase: "Fatherhood Begins In The Womb" and gave Black leadership a way to address the impact of abortion in Black America without saying the word "abortion". In August of 2011, Walter and Lori flew to Minneapolis, Minnesota to speak at the National Sidewalk Counselor Symposium and then to the Mother of Life Conference in San Diego, California. Our twelve (12) large billboard campaign in Sacramento, California in action.In July 2011, Walter and Lori joined the National Black Pro-Life Congress (NBPLC) protesting at the N.A.A.C.P's 102nd Annual Convention in Los Angeles, California. In June 0f 2011, Walter and Lori launched a sixty (60) billboard campaign in Oakland, California entitled: "Black and Beautiful". The "Black and Beautiful" billboard campaign was their second (2nd) billboard campaign and lasted thirty-five (35) days and again, effectively impacted Black American leadership. In May of 2011 Walter keynoted the Livermore Pregnancy Resource Center's Annual Banquet and attended a CareNet's Leaders for Life Summit in Washington, D.C. as a consultant. Our seventy (70) billboard campaign in Los Angeles, California in action.In April of 2011, Walter keynoted the Real Options Pregnancy Center's Walk for Life event in San Jose, California. At the end of March 2011, Walter and Lori traveled to Los Angeles again to serve as Master of Ceremony at the LIFEsocal event with Lila Rose at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. In March of 2011, Walter and Lori again addressed: "Abortion in the African-American Community" at the BASS Church Worker Convention in Castro Valley, California. In the same month, Walter and Lori attended the Frederick Douglass Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C., where Here Brad Mattes, Preident of the Life Issuess Institute, presents the 2011 award to Rev. Waiter 8, Hoye, II in Washington, D.C. at a gathering of fellow pro-life leaders. Walters wife, Lori, stood by his side during the award presentation.Walter addressed the impact of abortion in Black America. In January of 2011, Walter and Lori launched their 1st billboard campaign entitled: "Endangered Species". This billboard campaign put up seventy (70) billboards in Los Angeles, California. Yeah, seventy (70) billboards that included four (4) billboards along the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. parade route. The campaign lasted fifty-six (56) days and effectively reached Black American leadership. Top


Hundreds of thousands of people gather at a rally aptly named 'Restoring Honor,' to show support of the US military, organized by conservative US radio and television commentator Glenn Beck, one of the de facto leaders of the Tea Party movement, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, on Saturday, August 28, 2010. The rally takes place controversially at the spot where civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. made his legendary 'I Have a Dream' speech 47 years ago.In December of 2010, Walter and Lori met with the National Black Pro-Life Coalition at the Father's House in Norcross, Georgia. In October of 2010, Walter and Lori participated in the "Project Truth College Tour" in San Francisco, California and then teamed up with the Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust in Nashville, Tennessee. In September of 2010 Walter was on stage with Graciously the Family Research Council recognized Walter Hoye with the 2009 'John Wise Award' at their 'Watchmen On The Wall' conference.Pastor Jim Garlow speaking at the "Pray and Act" event, hosted by the Greater New Hope Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. In August of 2010 Walter and Lori joined Alveda King at Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor Rally" at the feet of Abraham Lincoln on the National Mall in Washington D.C. In May of 2010 Walter wrote his first Monday email column entitled: "Silence In The Black Church". In February of 2010 Walter and Lori led a workshop at the BASS Church Worker Convention (a conference for Northern California Churches) in Castro Valley, California addressing abortion in the African-American Community. Top


Graciously the Family Research Council recognized Walter Hoye with the 2009 "John Wise Award" at their "Watchmen On The Wall" conference. In August Walter met with Archbishop Bakyenga from the Archdiocese of Mbarara, Uganda, where the Children's Hospital is being constructed to talk about a Pro-Life ministry in Uganda. At the end of August, Walter spoke at Respect Life Prayer Breakfast in Temecula, California and at the Oakland Diocese's Pro-Life Boot Camp in Oakland, California. In October of 2009, Walter and Lori traveled to Cincinnati, Ohio, where Walter would speak at the Protecting Black Life's Life Solidarity Conference. In July of 2009, Walter and Lori attended Operation Save America's Personhood Leadership Summit, where Walter was one of the keynote speakers. In June 2009, Walter and Lori headed to Hawaii, where the Hawaii Right to Life Hilo Chapter, hosted a conference with Joe Scheidler of the Pro-life Action League and Bobby Schindler (brother of the late Terri Schaivo). In May of 2009, Walter and Lori attended the National Black Pro-Life Congress' (NBPLC) third (3rd) Annual Abortion Rally at the N.A.A.C.P. Fundraising Dinner in Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Levon R. Yuille is President of the National Black Pro-Life Congress. Walter with his sign in front of the Family Planning Specialist Medical Group abortion clinic in Oakland.In the same month, Walter and Lori attended the Choose Life Rally in San Diego, California, where Walter was a keynote speaker. A few days later, Walter and Lori were guests of honor at the Culture of Life Family Services Fundraising Dinner. In March of 2009 Walter and Lori traveled to Washington, D.C. to meet with members of the United States Congress to discuss the impact of pro-abortion "bubble laws" across the country based on the June 28th, 2000 Supreme Court Hill v. Colorado decision. Later in the month of March, in department 109 on the fifth (5th) floor of the Wiley W. Manuel Courthouse, 661 Washington Street, Oakland, California, Judge Stuart Hing sent Walter to the Santa Rita Jail. While in jail and fasting on the twenty-fourth (24th) day of fasting for the Forty (40) Days For Life Campaign, miraculously, God blessed Walter to teach His Word, counsel the hurting and lead the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. In April of 2009, after nineteen (19) days in jail, Walter spoke at the Birth Choice of Temecula's Walk for Life. Top


In 2008, Walter and his wife (Lori) organized their first "StandUp4Life Rally" In Oakland, California in front of Oakland City Hall and were the recipients of the 4th Annual Walk for Life West Coast's St. Gianna Molla Award for "Courage Under fire" in the Pro-Life movement. Walter's work in the Pro-Life community was the subject Chuck Colson's Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Day BreakPoint. As you may remember, Walter was unjustly jailed for his peaceful defense of the unborn on a sidewalk outside an abortion clinic in Oakland, California. He served as an incredible leader for the cause of the unborn despite the personal costs. His seven (7) part series entitled "Betrayal Trauma" detailing the four (4) reasons why Black American leadership rejects the Pro-Life movement has gone viral and is the subject of many of his speaking engagements. His "Letter from the Santa Rita Jail" and his California Equal Rights Amendment appeal for Personhood entitled "Why I Can't Wait" are now classics. His passion for Personhood and American History is well documented in the Pro-Life movement. Top

Pro-Life Freedom Rider || Author

Priests for Life, with the leadership of their Pastoral Associate Dr. Alveda King, launched 'Freedom Rides' for the unborn to galvanize the Pro-Life movement. The picture on the Pro-Life Freedom Bus, is from Walter's first StandUp4Life Rally|Walk in Oakland, California.Building on a method that the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's embraced, Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., led the historic Pro-life Freedom Rides in 2010. Leadership is more than position. It's more than money and power. If you are a leader, God made you a leader. Leadership from the Inside Out reveals that God alone appoints leaders and that divine appointment is the single greatest factor determining a leader's success.Like the thirteen (13) individuals who boarded a bus in Washington DC in 1961 and headed for New Orleans, the Pro-life Freedom Ride, was a peaceful, visible expression of the commitment of people around the country to work for freedom for the unborn. Not only did Dr. Alveda King, Walter and Lori Hoye ride together, their picture working together in Oakland, California is featured on the Pro-life Freedom Ride Bus. As author of the book, "Leadership from the INSIDE Out", Walter is in demand as a speaker and consultant. To purchase Walter's book online click here. On Friday, March 20th, 2009, fifteen months after the City of Oakland, California, passed a law making it illegal to approach a woman entering an abortion clinic without her consent, Walter went to jail for standing on a public sidewalk outside an abortion clinic with a sign that said: "God loves you and your baby. Let us help you." The book, "Black and Pro-Life In America", tells Walter's story. The question asked by Walter's story is not: "Is abortion wrong?" but rather "Do American citizens have Black and Pro-Life In America tells Walter's story in. The question asked by this story is not 'Is abortion wrong?' but rather 'Do American citizens have the right to say that abortion is wrong?'the right to say that abortion is wrong?" "Black and Pro-Life In America" not only answers this question, it speaks to the challenges facing Christians exercising their constitutional right to free speech and their Christian duty to offer help to others in need. To read Walter's commentary on issues facing the Pro-Life community click here. Walter is a Christian, married and the father of two (2) adult children. He and his wife (Lori), live in Union City, California. "Walter embodies the Martin Luther King, Jr. legacy, standing up for the least of these, the vulnerable mothers and their babies." — Dr. Alveda C. King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Tuesday, March 31st, 2009). Walter has been featured on Dr. D. James Kennedy's Coral Ridge Hour that is carried nationwide and overseas on Middle East Trinity Broadcasting Network, Armed Forces Network and "Facing Life Head-On TV" hosted by Brad Mattes. If you would like Walter to speak at your next event, please use this link to click here today. Top

E .· ` ' / ·. F  | More to come …

Walter B. Hoye II On Video || Audio

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men
to do nothing." — Edmund Burke (British Statesman, 1729-1797)

Coming Soon!
Hold On! There more to come. Top
The 2025 Walk For West Coast
THANKING GOD In San Francisco !! Top

Reclaiming Our Voices
Walter Revealing "Irreversibility." Top
World Power Gospel Radio (Audio)
Walter's "Sanctity Of Life" Testimony. Top

At Home With Joy & Joy (Audio)
How And When Walter Became Pro-Life. Top
Rochester, New York
Walter Hoye Speaking At The Men's March. Top

Rochester, New York
Lori Hoye Speaking At The Men's March. Top
AACON Says Thank You!
Walter is remembered and thanked. Top

Temecula, California
Walter reveals "David vs. Goliath" today. Top
Washington, D.C.
The 2024 National Gathering

TPUSA's First Pastors Summit Interview!
Walter Answers The Tough Questions. Top
2023 Black Life Conference
Requested Presentation: "Irreversibility" Top

National Euchristic Rosary Rally
At The U.S. Capitol In Washington, D.C. Top
2023 Men's March Attacked!
In Front Of The U.S. Supreme Court. Top

Just Common Sense (Audio Only)
Walter And Dr. Johnny Hunter Talk !! Top
Let's Talk America
Walter And Alan Keyes Talk Politics!! Top

2022 Men's March In Baltimore
Again, Preaching At The Men's March. Top
Racism And Abortion
Walter Answers Jacob Barr's QuestionsTop

St. Elias Melkite Catholic Church
Making God's Word Comes Alive. Top
The Men's March In Albany, New York!
We Must "Thank God" Now !! Top

Pro-life Primetime News!
Abortion Is Black Genocide. Top
World Prayer Network Podcast
Jim and Rosemary Interview Walter and Lori Top

Focus Today TV!
Walter's Back On Focus Today TV. Top
The Pro-Life Team Podcast
The Underground Railroad Ministry Top

Defending Life
Understanding The Power Of Prayer. Top
The 3rd National Men's March!
Walter Makes Personhood Clear! Top

Afternoons With Mike Podcast
Mike And Walter Get Right To It! Top
Stacy On The Right Podcast !!
Stacy and Walter reunited on podcast. Top

TPUSA's First Pastors Summit
Walter and Lori: The Impact of Abortion Top
Is An Unborn Baby A Person ??
Walter And Eric Get Right To It! Top

Freedoms Pep Rally Interview !!
Jon James And Walter In A Minute !! Top
Walter: Regarding The Dobbs Case
And The 13th|14th Amendment Top

Black And Pro-Life In America!
Dave Williams Podcast Interview Top
2022 Catholic Mens Conference
Walter Takes A Stand And Tells His Story Top

Pro-Life Impact Show!
Episode 21 With Walter B. Hoye II. Top
Will You Help Me Now ??
Ruth Institute Survivors Summit Top

Matthew Bulfin Education Conference
APPLOG Requested Irreversibility !! Top
Irreversibility !!
Black America's #1 Crisis Brighteon TV !! Top

We Are One Blood!
Here Is Walter On Brighteon TV !! Top
The Ladies Of Another View Interview
Asking How Did Walter Become Pro-Life? Top

Mens March In Baltimore, Maryland
This was the SECOND Men's March. Top
The Dr. J Show Interview
The Best Of The Dr. J Show In 2021. Top

Lori Hoye Interview !!
Black And Pro-Life America? Top
Fides Podcast Interview
Betrayal Trauma And The Echo Effect Top

The Current Word Radio Interview!
Walter Shares His Past. Top
2021 Real Options Promotion
Walter Loves Real Options! Top

Life Legal Defense Foundation!
LLDF Is Real! Just, ask Walter and Lori. Top
Elect Larry Elder For Governor 2021
Walter And Larry Went Face-To-Face! Top

Witness Of the Year 2021
Ruth Institute Keynote Address. Top
2022 Oakland Rally March Promotion
Date: Friday, January 21st, 2022. Top

Mens March In Washington, D.C.
This was the FIRST EVER Men's March. Top
I'm A Life Runner!
Walter and Lori are Life Runners. Top

Vocal Point Radio Interview!
Yes Black Babies Lives Matter! Top
I'm A Fool For Lori!
Walter Will Always Love Lori. Top

The ABC's Of Love
I Told Lori Abut The ABC's Of Love. Top
The Values Advocacy Council!
Walter Talks About Irreversibility. Top

Hodge And Hoye Get Real!
Abortion In Black America Top
Day Star|The Green Room!
Yeah, Walter's In The Green Room Top

Day Star|Table Talk!
It's All On The Table Now! Top
Day Star|Ministry Now!
Walter Tells His Story! Top

Every Day!
Lori Loves Me Every Day! Top
"Gee!" I Love Lori !!
Yeah, I Love Only Lori !! Top

Lori Is My Girl!
Thank God Lori Is My Girl! Top
Gee Whiz !!
Gee Whiz Look At Lori's Eyes !! Top

Lori Is In My Heart!
My Heart Loves Lori! Top
Lori Is All I Need!
Lori Is "My All In All" Wife! Top

All I Need!
Lori's Is All I Need! Top
I Make This Pledge!
Lori I Make This Pledge To You! Top

Lori's Sweet Love!
Lori's Sweet Love Wins! Top
No One But Lori!
I Love No One But Lori! Top

2021 StandUp4Life Rally|March
Walter Tells His Story! Top
2021 Oakland Rally March
Date: Friday, January 22nd, 2021. Top

4th Annual MLK Webcast
Date: Friday, January 15th, 2021. Top
Lori Is Still Perfect!
Lori Is God's Angel To Me! Top

Lori Is Perfect!
Lori Is God's Gift To Me! Top
Falling In Love!
I Can't Help Falling In Love With Lori! Top

I Love Lori!
Walter Loves Lori Doo-Wop! Top
Not On My Watch Conference
Fighting For Life In Atlanta, Georgia! Top

For Lori's Love!
Walter Loves His Wife Lori! Top
All I Want For Christmas!
Lori Is All I Want! Top

Racial Reconcilation Conference
At St. Pius X Catholic Church. Top
Fighting For Georgia Senate Seats!
Even Tired Walter Was Still Fighting! Top

When the Game Is Rigged?
Out of the Question Podcast! Top
God Blessed Our Love!
Oh How Walter Loves Lori! Top

Not On My Watch March!
Fighting For Life In Atlanta, Georgia! Top
Not On My Watch!
Fighting For Life In Atlanta, Georgia! Top

Trending With Timmerie
About Husbands And Fathers! Top
How Sweet It Is!
To Be Loved By Lori! Top

Step By Step I Fell In Love!
Walter Is In Love With Lori! Top
Global Prayer Event
Praying For the U.S. Elections!! Top

Lexis One Radio Interview!
Walter and ReGina Talk Abortion! Top
FLASH BACK: Lexis One Radio!
Walter and ReGina Talk Abortion! Top

Archdiocese of San Francisco (Part 12)
Walter Talks About His NBA Chaplaincy. Top
Archdiocese of San Francisco (Part 11)
Walter And Archbishop Cordileone. Top

Archdiocese of San Francisco (Part 10)
Walter Talks About Elder Roe. Top
Archdiocese of San Francisco (Part 09)
Walter Talks About His Wife Lori. Top

Archdiocese of San Francisco (Part 08)
Walter Talks About Jail. Top
Archdiocese of San Francisco (Part 07)
Walter Talks About Prayer And Fasting. Top

Archdiocese of San Francisco (Part 06)
Walter Talks About Being Betrayed. Top
Archdiocese of San Francisco (Part 05)
Walter Talks About Being Pro-Life. Top

Archdiocese of San Francisco (Part 04)
Walter Talks About Education. Top
Archdiocese of San Francisco (Part 03)
Walter Talks About Jesus Christ. Top

Archdiocese of San Francisco (Part 02)
Walter Talks About Oakland. Top
Archdiocese of San Francisco (Part 01)
Walter Talks About His Great-GrandFather. Top

Lori Is All I Need!
Loving My Wife Lori! Top
Lynched! By The Klan!
Walter Shares Some Of His Family History! Top

Why I Wear "The Hat!"
Walter Shares Why He Wears "The Hat!" Top
I Found A Love!
Lori Is The Love Of My Life! Top

Walter Reveals The Reality Of Irreveribility! Top
Sacramento Respect Life Gathering
Sacramento Diocesan Virtual Conference! Top

Tonight I Fell In Love Again!
I Keeping Falling In Love With Lori! Top
Walter's Equality Proclamation Speech
Personhood Will End Abortion! Top

Equality Proclamation!
Yeah, we're getting closer to Peronhood! Top
Divided Hearts Of America Movie Trailer
Walter Says: "That's Genocided!" Top

Lori Waited For Me!
I Thank God, Lori Waited For Me! Top
Little Girl Of Mine!!
Lori Is My Loving Baby! Top

Lori I Still Need Your Loving!
Got To Have All Lori's Loving!. Top
Lori Didn't Pass Me By!
Lori's Gave Her Love To Me! Top

Lori Is My Baby!
Lori Is My One And Only! Top
Never, Never Let Lori Go!
Lori's The Girl In My Heart! Top

"Color and Division" Radio Interview
Hear Walter While Running On A Trail Top
"Christ Before Color" Episode 96
Listen To The Full Interview!" Top

Ignatius Press Facebook Interview
Eva Gets It! Watch The Full Interview! Top
The Most Difficult Conversation
Jennifer and Walter Get It Done!" Top

Teresa Tomeo Radio Interview
Black Lives Matter In The Womb. Top
July 4th, 2020 Radio Interview!
Oh yeah, Walter's On "Mast Appeal!" Top

Bill Martinez Radio Interview
Walter's Get's Right Down To It. Top
Fatherhood Video Series Click Here.
Yeah, I'm Talking To My Children. Top

Lynched By The Klan!
Walter's Great-Grandfather lynched! Top
Do Black Babies Live Matter?
Watch The Full Interview! Top

Loving Lori Always!
Celebrating 31 Years Of Marriage! Top
Breakfast With Bacon
Walter and Christine Bacon, Ph.D. Top

Black Pastor's Conference
Walter Is Asking For Your Help! Top
Bring America Back To Life Convention
Walter Talks About The "Echo Effect." Top

What We Have
Celebrating 31 Years Of Marriage! Top
The Sea Of Love
Celebrating 31 Years Of Marriage! Top

Gunther's Radio Rewind
iHeart Radio Interviews Walter Top
No One But Lori!
Celebrating 31 Years Of Marriage! Top

The Drew Mariani Radio Interview
Relevant Radio Interviews Walter Top
I Give Lori All!
Celebrating 31 Years Of Marriage! Top

Lori Is My Desire!
Celebrating 31 Years Of Marriage! Top
I Need Lori's Love!
Celebrating 31 Years Of Marriage! Top

What A Wonderful World!
Celebrating 31 Years Of Marriage! Top
Lori Tried Me!
Celebrating 31 Years Of Marriage! Top

We're So In Love
Celebrating 31 Years Of Marriage! Top
Stand By Me Lori!
Celebrating 31 Years Of Marriage! Top

Lori Is My Girl!
Celebrating 31 Years Of Marriage! Top
Relevant Radio Interview
Sheila Liaugminas Interviews Walter Top

The Light Radio Interview
Heather Sheppard Interviews Walter Top
January 2020 StandUp4Life Rally|Walk!
Get Ready To StandUp4Life In Oakland! Top

Our January 2020 Events Are Here!
Our January 2020 Events Are Here Now! Top
GLC T.V. Show Introduction!
Our Pro-Life Television Show!! Top

Freedom's Voice!
Debbie Aldrich and Walter Hoye Live. Top
I Need Lori's Love!
Celebrating "30" years of marriage. Top

Radio Show: Stand Up For The Truth!
Host David Fiorazo and Walter Hoye Top
The TV Show Is On The Way
Television Show Introduction Video Top

National Day of Mourning (2019)
Here Is The Presentation! Top
National Day Of Mourning (2019)
Here Is The Press Conference! Top

National Day of Mourning Commerical
Here Is The Commerical! Top
God's Learning Channel TV (E020)
The Light Of The Southwest Television Top

God's Learning Channel TV (E019)
The Light Of The Southwest Television Top
Flying For The 1st Time
Thank Richard Henderson, Love, Inc. Top

EWTN: Jim and Joy — Part Two (2)
Walter at home with Jim and Joy. Top
EWTN: Jim and Joy — Part One (1)
Walter at home with Jim and Joy. Top

We're Facing Irreversibility!
Black American's facing irreversibility. Top
Lori's My Dutchess Of Earl!
Celebrating "30" years of marriage. Top

One Summer Night! (November)
Celebrating "30" years of marriage. Top
Vida Mae Hoye's Interview! (Momma)
My Mother's Last Interview (2015). Top

In The Still Of The Night! (October)
Celebrating "30" years of marriage. Top
Lori's Precious Love! (September)
Celebrating "30" years of marriage. Top

We Will Kiss, Kiss, Kiss! (August)
Celebrating "30" years of marriage. Top
Lori And I Are United (July)
Celebrating "30" years of marriage. Top

Victoria's Pro-Life Testimony
Walter and Victoria Looney are Pro-Life. Top
The Patrick Coffin Show
Patrick and Walter chop it up. Top

Lori's Got What I Need (June)
Celebrating "30" years of marriage. Top
Only Lori! (May)
Celebrating "30" years of marriage. Top

Never Let Lori Go! (April)
Celebrating "30" years of marriage. Top
Heaven Must've Sent Lori! (March)
Celebrating "30" years of marriage. Top

I'm A Happy Man (February)
Celebrating "30" years of marriage. Top
My Magic Moment (January)
Celebrating "30" years of marriage. Top

Focus On The Family Part 2
Walter helps Focus On The Family. Top
My Magic Moment (January)
Walter helps Focus On The Family. Top

A Pro-Life Hero!
Obianuju Ekeocha "Connects The Dots". Top
You Were Never A Pre-Person!
Personhood exist when you exist. Top

A Pro-Life Hero!
Walter and Lori promote Unplanned. Top
The World Over with Raymond Arroyo
Arroyo interviews Walter and Robert. Top

KFAX Life Line's Craig Roberts
KFAX, Walter, Lori and Robert. Top
The Eric Metaxas Show
Eric Metaxas interviews Walter. Top

Walk For Life West Coast Speaker
Walter at 2019 Walk for Life West Coast. Top
Perecuted For Life
D.J. Kennedy tells Walter's Story. Top

Currents News Interview
Liz Faublas interviews Walter B. Hoye II Top
Thank You Liliya Fritzsching!
Black and Pro-Life In America! Top

To Silence One Woman In Oakland!
Lori vs. the Oakland City Council Top
To Silence One Man In Oakland!
Walter vs. the Oakland City Council Top

The Frank Sontag Show Podcast
Frank and Walter had a great time!! Top
Christian Broadcasting Network TV
Charlene Aaron interviews Walter. Top

Ignatius Press Interview
Ignatius Press and Walter's book. Top
A Closer Look With Sheila Liaugminas
Walter and Sheila talk about his book. Top

Fighting Human Trafficking
Walter and Lori pray together. Top
KSCO Presents Georgia
Georgia and Walter discuss abortion. Top

Pro-Life Action Ministries
Sidewalk Counseling Symposium. Top
Power Talk Radio Interview
Trevor Carey interviews Walter. Top

Macon, Georgia Pro-Life Rally
Here's Walter in Macon, Georgia. Top
March4Life N.Y. Radio Interview
Walter's #UndergroundRailroad. Top

Yeah, #LifeLongRegretIsReal
Abortion Recovery Video Series. Top
The C.L. Bryant Radio Show
C.L. Bryant and Walter Live! Top

The Economic Impact Of Abortion!
93 million will never pay social security. Top
Life Is My Prerogative!
In light of Dr. Willie Parker's book. Top

Content Of Character Series
In Kansas City. Top
The First Seven Black Congressmen
The First Seven Black Congressmen. Top

Inaugural C.O.R.E. Press Conference
On the steps of California's Capitol. Top
No MCD In Sunset District!
San Francisco City Hall. Top

No Marijuana!
Marijuana Dispensaries in San Francisco. Top
Standing For Biblical Marriage
Walter and Lori in Washington, D.C. Top

CURE America News Network
CURE's new television studio! Top
Content of Character Series
America's history in Black and White. Top

Culture of Life Studies Program
The "Sanger" video series was a hit! Top
Allensworth Conference: Thank You!
Black Pastors and Wives Conference. Top

No Longer Bound!
The "Sanger" video series was a hit! Top
What Does It Mean To Be Pro-Life?
Personhood Is Pro-Life! Top

CURE Is Making A Difference!
There is a C.U.R.E. Top
Black Pastors and Wives Conference
"Without Life, We Have Nothing!" Top

BCS 2017 Leadership Initiative
Black Conservative Leaders. Top
Title X Funding And Abortion
Not a method of family planning. Top

#1 Killer Of Black Lives
Death In The Black Community. Top
Defund Planned Parenthood
Defund Planned Parenthood now. Top

The Truth About Emmett Till
Carolyn Donham lied on Emmett. Top
Black Children In Slavery
Five (5) things you didn't know. Top

Allensworth Conference Preview 2
2017 Black Pastors Conference Preview. Top
KXLY New Coverage!
2017 Walk for Life Northwest. Top

Yes, God Loves You Now!
St. James the Greater Oaklahoma City. Top
Margaret Sanger Project
Historic Landmark? No Way! Top

2016 Election: Anyway You Want It
Thank God, Hilliary didn't win. Top
2016 Election: Could Have Had It All!
It cost Democrat's the White House. Top

2016 Election: Simply UnAcceptable
The Democrats Cannot Win In November. Top
2016 Election: I Count The Tears
Democrats Support Planned Parenthood. Top

2016 Election: It's About The Money
Planned Parenthood is about the money. Top
2016 Election: Nobody!
Nobody kills more Black Americans. Top

Be A Factivist
Less activism. More factivism. Top
Margaret Sanger Project Preview
Who was the real Margaret Sanger? Top

"Life" Science Project
Dianne Irving, Ph.D., Bioethicist. Top
The Moment Life Begins!
A Bright Flash Of Life Marks Life. Top

Allensworth Conference Preview 1
2017 Black Pastors Conference. Top
65% Identify As Christians
37% Protestant + 28% Catholic = 65%. Top

A Frederick Douglass Christmas
Frederick Douglass Christmas Project. Top
Abortion And The Black Community
We're collaborate on several projects. Top

B.A.S.S. Workers Convention
AUDIO: Abortion In Black America. Top
Truth Alliance Report
AUDIO: Money Over Mission. Top

RACE: "The Disease"
RARE AUIDO: Race Prejudice. Top
The Devil You Know In A Minute
Yeah it's Planned Parenthood. Top

Defund Planned Parenthood In A Minute
Planned Parenthood and the Klan. Top
Witchita Personhood Conference
Walter Embraces Personhood. Top

2016 POTUS Candidate Carly Fiorina
Walter, Lori and Carly Fiorina. Top
Official Media Statement
AUDIO: Denounces Planned Parenthood! Top

2015 Future Conference
Walter And The Future. Top
Ties Of Faith
Ties Of Faith Worldwide. Top

Medical Apartheid
Exposing Medical Apartheid. Top
Morning Center Vision
The Morning Center Cares. Top

Morning Center Mission
Free maternity care in urban areas. Top
Dr. Alveda King Thanks Walter Hoye
Dr. Alveda King Love. Top

2015 Walk For Life West Coast
EWTN, Walter and Lori Hoye. Top
CDC Report Reveals Racial Targeting
Walter on LifeTalkTv. Top

2014 Walk For Life San Diego
Lori and Walter respond. Top
Free Speech Denied
Walter Denied Free Speech. Top

Stand For Truth Ministries Interview
Shawn Hayes and Walter. Top
Gosnell Is The Worst Kind of Racist
Addressing Kermit Gosnell. Top

The Party of Lincoln
Walter's GOP Commercial. Top
Message To Pastors From Congress
Walter's Message To Pastors. Top

Congressional Presentation
Economic Impact Of Abortion. Top
Unborn Child Protection Act
Walter testifies for Congress. Top

Los Angeles March for Life
Walter Breaks It Down. Top
Stephanie Spidell
Stephanie Tells Her Story. Top

Jennifer Roback Morse!
Presenting Jennifer Roback Morse. Top
Personhood Initiative
Personshood Is On The Right Side. Top

Pro-Life Wisconsin
Pro-Life Wisconsin Spring Awards. Top
March For Life Denver
March For Life Denver Invites Walter. Top

Pray & Act
The Reality Of Abortion. Top
San Diego Marriage Rally
The biblical definition of marriage. Top

Rose Bowl
Why Black American leadership rejects. Top
Lori, Will You Marry Me Again?
After 25 years of marriage. Top

One America Interview In Washington, D.C.
One America News interviews Walter. Top
2014 BCS Leadership Initiative
The Future of The Pro-life Movement. Top

2013 "Am I Not A Person!" Campaign
Yeah, Personhood Always Wins. Top
2012 Prayer For Life Iowa
Iowans For Life invited Walter. Top

Standing Up For Religious Freedom
Walter organized three (3) rallies. Top
Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally
Walter organized San Francisco's rallies. Top

Values Advocacy Council (VAC)
Walter supports Judeo Christian values. Top
International Pro-Life Youth Conference
International Pro-Life Youth Conference. Top

Fighting New York City Bill 371
Walter talks about his son. Top
New York City Council Bill 371
EMC Frontline invites Walter. Top

2010 Midwest Personhood Conference
Personhood is the Pro-Life Movement. Top
Black & Beautiful Press Conference
Walter's interview. Top

Walter's Story On Life Report
How Walter got involved in Pro-Life. Top
Jail! The Untold Story
After Walter went to jail. Top

"Make Straight The Pathway"
Walter supports LLDF at the Conference. Top
Day For Life XIII
A conference at St. Joseph's Church. Top

9th Circuit Court Update
Walter addresses sidewalk counselors. Top
Pro-Life America Interview
Walter's arrest and imprisonment. Top

2009 John Wise Award Winner
The Family Research Council awards Walter. Top
Jailed For Picketing An Abortion Clinic
Oakland's law and Walter. Top

Walter's Lawyer: Terry Thompson
Hear the Life Legal Defense Foundation. Top
About Walter Hoye In Alameda Jail
Peter Shinn talks about Walter in jail. Top

Walter's Message To Pastors From Jail
Walter in jail speaking to Pastors. Top
Lori says: "Free Walter Hoye!"
Lori fights for her husband (1 of 3). Top

Lori says: "Free Walter Hoye!"
Lori fights for her husband (2 of 3). Top
Lori says: "Free Walter Hoye!"
Lori fights for her husband (Part 3 of 3). Top

Santa Rita Jail Prayer Vigil
While Walter Is In Jail (1 of 4). Top
Santa Rita Jail Prayer Vigil
While Walter Is In Jail (2 of 4). Top

Santa Rita Jail Prayer Vigil
While Walter Is In Jail (3 of 4). Top
Santa Rita Jail Prayer Vigil
While Walter Is In Jail (4 of 4). Top

Walter's Re-Sentencng (Part 1 of 4)
Relive Walter's Re-Sentencing (1 of 4). Top
Walter's Re-Sentencng (Part 2 of 4)
Relive Walter's Re-Sentencing (2 of 4). Top

Walter's Re-Sentencng (Part 3 of 4)
Relive Walter's Re-Sentencing (3 of 4). Top
Walter's Re-Sentencng (Part 4 of 4)
Relive Walter's Re-Sentencing (4 of 4). Top

Life Dynamics! LifeTalk Show!
All About Walter's Court Case. Top
Walter, Pastors and the 1st Amendment
Walter talks to Black Pastors in D.C. Top

Jailed Two (2) Days Later
Walter in Washington, D.C. Top
Walter Just Before Being Sentenced
Half way through a 40 day fast. Top

Daily Life News Radio Interview
Day Gardner Talks To Walter Hoye. Top
Pastor Jailed For Free Speech!
Dion Evans Leads The Way. Top

A Morally Wrong Law
Pastor Earl Stuckey, Walter's Pastor. Top
Hear From Walter's Lawyers
Legal Defense Foundation lawyers. Top

Walter's Maternal Great-Grandfather
Was lynched by the Khan. Top
Walter Talks About His Son
How Walter became Pro-Life. Top

Walter and Lori on Proposition 4
We must support Proposition 4. Top
In The Beginning God!
In The Beginning God! ( Genesis 1:1 ) Top